wouldn't worry about it - free product! I've done that once or twice with Bulk Supplements, that may be how I first got their magnolia bark.
Oddly, it was magnolia bark I was considering trading my high-minded principles

in on, we seem to run on parallel tracks. I’m glad you understand the leeriness that comes with having slammed into the hot stove over and over again … will let you know when I work up the courage

, and what the results were.
Any amount of sleep at all would be a blessing

. I can’t take any sleep aid known to man, including every form of herb, they all clear through the same P450 pathway that clears benzos and they activate and weaken GABA while apparently throwing all their substantial weight over to glute….. life’s really a bugger. Even the old standby Unisom precipitates really ugly ME reactions

….. So I’m totally screwed, sleep-wise. Melatonin and mg and a wing and a prayer wheel.
I think my hesitation over magnolia bark has to do with a vague memory that it, too, clears thru a P450 liver enzyme that’s connected to GABA/Glute/benzos. Will have to redo all that research, since my memory seems to be mostly read only

, and my computer is clogged and wheezing under the weight of thousands upon thousands of files dedicated to the hundreds of research projects, with the obvious effect that finding almost
anything is more trouble than it’s worth

Please do, the more info the better
“More” seems to be my specialty, so no worries ….. full disclosure, right down to the forms of MK7 and MK4 I use (can’t take anything in soft gels, too much glute ….. God, I’ve become the Princess and the Pea) and the times that I take it and in what amounts ….. which reminds me, damn!!! I forgot and took the M’s with my tiny dose of D3 ….. drat and damn and hellfire

I have mixed feelings about taurine. I think it helps me initially with sleep but after a few days it gets worse.
Yeah, I really wish I’d given it another few more months of careful thought before I hit the
buy button. It was one of those desperation
Hail Mary's that overtake me from time to time :thumbdown:. Between the sulfury issues and the other possibilities with taurine, every time I reach for the bottle with full resolve, I set it down and slowly, slowly back away …
Yeah, I'm familiar with those

I got to where the only things I could eat at night were plain foods I fixed myself, nothing processed, no canned foods, no sauces, things you wouldn't even think of - mayonnaise, mustard (had vinegar or citric acid), off limits. I had mustard on a sandwich which kept me up till 2:00 a.m. Anything processed would give me killer insomnia.
Oh, believe me, I’ve thought of them. Perforce

. Also ketchup. I
really miss them. Also the occasional wicked pleasure of a hamburger or garlic pizza. If I told you what I’m living on right now

But I had mustard on something just last week at night, and had no problem. I dared to make a green curry (with a green curry paste that did not have anything msg related) but I added some fish sauce which I have been avoiding, and there was no problem again.
That’s phenomenal
!!! “Normal” people would never understand that feeling of liberation and joy

, but I do, and so would a lot of people on this forum, and I hope it’s a permanent change, and, on the selfish side, that it holds out the same promise for me

But have not done the acid test yet, eating out, or just using soy sauce - I'm going to try it one of these days.
If you wanna give soy sauce a shot, search out
Kikkoman ….. it’s the only brand that creates soy sauce the old-fashioned way, thru relatively long fermentation and without fillers and flavorings like molasses and vinegar and 3 forms of MSG, other than the usual. I used it a lot in cooking, and would buy a couple of liter bottles and let them age til they got thick and dense with layers of flavor …. it used to be really easy to find, but has become relatively rare, at least the last time I was out and about, which was … uh, quite a while ago

Can you tolerate vitamin C? High doses have now gotten me 2 - 3 (I forget which) pretty good nights of sleep. Here's a study which talks about how vitamin C helps with glutamate toxicity:
When I first took high-dose vitamin C, it helped with sleep a lot, but then I ended up getting quite achy and tired - too acidic.
I used a lot of C early on, but tapered it back a bit when it seemed that it actually damaged sleep, partly thru stimulating my bladder at about 230 or 300 AM, so if I
was getting sleep, it was interrupted by that maddening, insistent stinging pressure that just won’t go away. I still get it a few nites a month

, particularly if I forget and take C (or pretty much anything you can name except mag) too late. Like mag, I take it in lower doses (well, not by normal standards, about 500 mgs a dose) several times a day for a usual total of 4-5000 mgs. I’m not sure if I
ever knew about its effects on glute toxicity, but I do now, and thank you
I just found
this thread I did almost two years ago about vitamin C ameliorating neurotoxicty. And it mentions that it might also help with MCAS - I'd forgotten about that.
I’ll be tearing into that link later tonight, and thanks for that. I think I read about C and MCAS, but I'm so unwilling right now to take on yet
another potential set of .... uh, let's call them challenges, yeah, that's the ticket, challenges. Not problems. Challenges ... that I just kept whistling and walking on by

Something I’m experimenting with now, and will happily report back to you on, is New Zealand freeze-dried beef liver ….. after everything that the medical community did to my system (those bas .. tions of righteous society), it’s hard to believe that my liver didn’t take a massive whumping, and I’m embarrassed that it’s taken me this long to tumble onto that. My one concern (and I don’t think it would be a problem for you, but
quien sabe, eh?) is that is only comes in gelatin caps (not soft gels at least), and at 3 to 6 or more caps a day (6 equals 1 oz of liver) that’s a lot of potential systemic poison for me

. But I’m praying for a miracle, and I think I'm due…..yeah, like life works that way.
My own small triumph

: after living on no liquids other than 3 liters of water a day for longer than I care to emphasize by putting it in writing, and giving up a glass of wine with dinner

(or with anything else, like a glowy sunset or a glorious piece of music), I was desperate for something,
anything, different, and hesitantly tried a lovely icy cold glass of
Blue Sky root beer, which has 3 ingredients: water, (the dread and ever suspect) natural flavors, pure cane sugar. I seem to have tolerated it well, and having that little treat was joy beyond description

…… which is why I understand your triumph with the fish sauce. It's these little victories that help to keep us fighting on


Stay good