B2 Riboflavin and me


Senior Member
planet earth
I seem to have, based on testing, so many vitamin and mineral deficiencies and its hard to know where they all came from. I have eaten a very healthy diet most of my life and still have severe nutrtional deficiencies. I wonder if it is a problem with the gut for me and absorption issues. I have only started to have improvements since i started b12 by injection and transdermal minerals, thus bypassing the gut, i have never taken a multi B due to problems with B6 (its quite a complicated story).

Hi Justy.

I have problems with High b6. One doctor measured it, but I can definitely feel it when I take too much B6. I get wound up.

I may also have troubles with various deficiencies. Maybe due to gut issues I suspect.

I'm curious which transdermal minerals you are taking and having luck with?



Senior Member
Hi Jarod,

Hope you don't mind me cutting in here.

I take Dr Myhill's mineral mix transdermally, it certainly avoids the gut issues it initially caused, but I am uncertain how much actually gets absorbed.

As for high B6, is that P5P?

Rich has been discussing some issues where blood levels of P5P are high but cell levels of B6 are low. I'll try and find the link.

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Senior Member
Please note:

This thread is about Vitamin B2/Riboflavin . Please stick to the topic at hand. Hijacking this thread to discuss moderation decisions that have been addressed on another thread is unfair to members that are interested in discussing the benefits of using B2 as a supplement. It would be a shame to have to temporarily close another thread at this point.

Thank you.



Senior Member
Hi, all. I just found this thread and am hoping for some updates.

Justy, have you gotten/started your B2? Meryl, how are your hands doing? Brenda, have you noticed any difference with the new form of B2?

I'm interested in dosages, especially as Meryl mentioned taking 12.5mg 3X/day. The lowest dose tablet I can find easily is 50mg (Solgar), 100 for $7.13. This would be pretty easy to divide, right?

I'd also like to hear which of you are/aren't taking b-complexes or multi-vitamins, or other supplements presumed to influence the action of B2.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Jarod,

Hope you don't mind me cutting in here.

I take Dr Myhill's mineral mix transdermally, it certainly avoids the gut issues it initially caused, but I am uncertain how much actually gets absorbed.

As for high B6, is that P5P?

Rich has been discussing some issues where blood levels of P5P are high but cell levels of B6 are low. I'll try and find the link.

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Yes i take Dr Myhills transdermal mineral spray also. I think it helps - so hard to tell! My issue with B6 is that i had a very severe reaction to an SSRI about 3 years ago (which took me 2 years to recover from) i was advised not to take B6, St Johns Wort or anyhting like that, consequently i have been too afraid to take a multi B, especially thoise with higher B6 in.
all the best, Justy.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Hi, all. I just found this thread and am hoping for some updates.

Justy, have you gotten/started your B2? Meryl, how are your hands doing? Brenda, have you noticed any difference with the new form of B2?

I'm interested in dosages, especially as Meryl mentioned taking 12.5mg 3X/day. The lowest dose tablet I can find easily is 50mg (Solgar), 100 for $7.13. This would be pretty easy to divide, right?

I'd also like to hear which of you are/aren't taking b-complexes or multi-vitamins, or other supplements presumed to influence the action of B2.

Hi madie,
That 50 mg tab of B2 (Riboflavin) is a good size for cutting into quarters.
I'm taking my 12.5 mg 3 x day with food. Spreading it over the day helps with absorption.
(I think the idea is to work up to 25 mg at a time eventually, as that is the most the body can absorb at a time)
I have learned the following from Dog Person that:

It's best NOT taken with drinks (or foods) that contain caffeine eg coffee, tea, chocolate as caffeine blocks the absorption of B2, and makes you urinate so you lose more.

Chocolate is high in Iron, Zinc, Copper & Manganese & will bring down B2 quickly.

Tiredness can be experienced as one first takes B2 as lead is released back into the bloodstream. The lead disrupts the energy system while it clears.

At times I feel tired. At other times I am finding over all a bit more energy. My muscles relax at night, sleep onset & quality seem improved. Sinuses are clearer. Overall mood is improving.
The rash on my hand fluctuates, but continues to improve. (DP thinks as I do, that I probably also have a B3 deficiency...which should correct itself once the B2 stores are replenished)

The annoying facial twitching I had (left cheek) has disappeared.

As well as the B2 (Riboflavin) I am taking a small amount of B12 (in a tolerable form),
a sprinkle of my Magnesium malate, a crumb of B1 (although B1 should easily be obtained from food). Today I am buying some more CoQ10 and the lowest dose Manganese I can find.
That's it! (Oh I'm allowed 500 mg Fish Oil...if I must LOL)

So...no multi B...no multivitamins. It requires a shift in thinking, I know.


Senior Member
planet earth
Hi Jarod,

Hope you don't mind me cutting in here.

I take Dr Myhill's mineral mix transdermally, it certainly avoids the gut issues it initially caused, but I am uncertain how much actually gets absorbed.

As for high B6, is that P5P?

Rich has been discussing some issues where blood levels of P5P are high but cell levels of B6 are low. I'll try and find the link.

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sorry if I'm late here. having a difficult time keeping up.

I don't know actually. One doctor told me I was high in b6. I'll try and find the test and post if I do.

However, I think both P5P and B6 make me agitated in a very bad way. It might even give me headaches.


Senior Member
hey jarod, check out my profile to see a recent exchange i had with richvank about high serum b6 & b6 wasting in the urine. It could be kpu.. kryptopyrrolurria (google 4 more info).
Maybe u can add yr test results to that thread?


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
(Mod Note: The off-topic posts referred to have now been moved to the Hair Mineral Testing thread).

Hi, this thread seems to have gone waayy off topic recently. I started this thread to discuss the possibility of a B2 deficiency being part of MY problem in M.E. I am not interested in hair mineral analysis and so i started this thread to discuss B2 as a seperate issue to DP' sideas etc.
I have as yet fpound no evidence that B2 is depleted by other vitamins or that b2 deficiency causes iron storage in the liver. I have decided to supplement with B2 AS WELL as all my other normal supplements (i dont take a b multi for other reasons) If you read post# 1 you will see the link to the research on B2 deficiency that prompted me to think this could be a part of my issues.

I have started supplementing with B2 - cutting a 20mg tab into 4, so taking 5 mg once a day to begin with. I have read form extensive sources that the bright yellow colour comes from EXCESS B2 being excreted that you hadnt absorbed. I have bright yellow pee even at 5 mg, but cant cut the tab any smaller. I havent noticed any other effect, apart from sleeping very very deeply and waking up numb all over from having slept so hard in one position - this seems like a good thing as i dont usually stay in stage 4 sleep too well. However after a couple of days of this i started to get a pain in my lower left kidney region. I cant be sure if this is my kidneys or muscular so have stopped for a few days to see what happens. B2 is contraindicated with kidney problems. I have no know kidney issues but do suffer swelling of the ankles on both sides which can indicate a kidney issue. The bright yellow pee tells me that my kiodneys are working hard to process and excrete. I'm going to try it again in a few days. In the meantime i continue with

MB12 300mcg sub cut injections per day
Magnesium 100mg
co q 10 100mg (ive only just started being able to tolerate this
herbal tincture for adrenals and calming nervous system symptoms
agnus castus for hormonal problems
Transdermal mineral spray with DMSO which has a wide range of minerals including managanese and selenium which i have deficiencies in, Vit D3, a bit more b12.
All the best, Justy.


Senior Member
Regarding the B2 excess, I do have the bright yellow pee at 12 mg a day (in split dose). It's obvious an excess at a given time but I don't think it means we are not deficient, there probably is a limit to what can be stored in the body at once (limited by some chemical process?) Maybe someone more knowledgeable could tell us more.


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My understanding of B2 is that its isnt stored in the body in large amounts at all - so you could be right that just because we are excreting it doesn't mean we dont need to take it. I had been wondering about this - wether it meant i actually wasn't deficient, but what you say sounds plausible.


Senior Member
I think that even the smallest amount will stain urine as it gets everywhere when I am trying to divide the capsules.


PR activist
Balance studies in humans show a clear increase in the urinary excretion of riboflavin as riboflavin intakes increase, with a sharp and continuous rise in excretion at intakes above ?1 mg/d (27). Elderly subjects consuming a riboflavin supplement of 1.7 mg above their habitual intake of 1.8 mg showed a urinary excretion of riboflavin that was twice that of unsupplemented subjects consuming 1.8 mg from the diet alone (28). The inflection of the urinary excretion curve is considered to reflect tissue saturation. Urinary excretion of riboflavin is, however, not a sensitive marker of very low riboflavin intakes, and the preferred method for assessing riboflavin status is stimulation of the FAD-dependent erythrocyte glutathione reductase (EC in vitro. The results are expressed as an activation coefficient (EGRAC), such that the poorer the riboflavin status the higher the activation coefficient. Numerous studies have shown the sensitivity of this measurement to riboflavin intakes, especially at daily intakes ? 1.0 mg (2, 5). Such studies have also highlighted the speed with which tissue riboflavin depletion and repletion occur. Although in experimental riboflavin deficiency FAD is conserved at the expense of free riboflavin (29), there is no store of riboflavin or its metabolites (ie, no site from which riboflavin can be mobilized in times of low dietary intake). There is only a small difference between intakes associated with biochemical deficiency (< 0.5 mg) and those associated with tissue saturation (> 1.0 mg) in adults (30).



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Thanks Adreno, that just goes to shpow that you do not need to take very much at all to get what you need and that any deficiency should be very easily and quickly rectified. (i hope my understanding is correct?)


Senior Member
I was just reading that the preferred method for assessing riboflavin status is to measure Erythrocyte glutathione reductase activity. It apparently provides a measure of tissue saturation and long-term riboflavin status. Has anybody had this test done.

I glossed over a research study from 2005 where it mentioned that more clinical trials are needed to see if supplementing with riboflavin and withdrawing it would result in rapid changes in erythrocyte riboflavin concentrations.

Very interesting.


PR activist
Thanks Adreno, that just goes to shpow that you do not need to take very much at all to get what you need and that any deficiency should be very easily and quickly rectified. (i hope my understanding is correct?)

No, it looks like you don't need that much to correct a deficiency. But I believe there is a difference between correcting a deficiency, and achieving tissue saturation.

Remember, up to 27mg can be absorbed at a time.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Regarding the B2 excess, I do have the bright yellow pee at 12 mg a day (in split dose). It's obvious an excess at a given time but I don't think it means we are not deficient, there probably is a limit to what can be stored in the body at once (limited by some chemical process?) Maybe someone more knowledgeable could tell us more.

Hi Gu3vara,
Just one thing Christine told me was to keep to the pee its bright yellow. Perhaps to be sure there is some saturation...