I am taking Country Life methylcobalamin. I tried 24 mg, but right now I am at 9 mg as there is not much difference in the sublingual for me at higher dosage.
And comparing sublingual and injection is like comparing Tylenol to Morphine in my opinion.
I got my injections from College Pharmacy (25 mg/cc) and the potency seems excellent. I always told them to ship me it after a fresh batch. It induces a much bigger detox response as well. And for me, the detox response is very strange, yet very relieving. If I had a B12 shot, it would probably knock me out to sleep (in a very good way since my "normal" state excitotoxic). Sublingual is helping though, but anxiously waiting for those injections.
I have actually never tried adB12. I am one that is known to fly by the seat of my pants, so I never really followed protocols as they didn't fit me.
Hi Kday,
I happen to have extensive experience with morphine as I have been in pain management for 11 years. I take oral morphine normally. In the hospital I have received injected morphine. Injected morphine to oral morphine might be a more suitable comparison than APAP to morphine which is more like comparing cyanocbl/hycbl to methylb12/adb12. With injected morphine 100% goes into serum in 30 minutes IM. While oral morphine about 1/3 or so goes into serum and takes a little more than an hour to do that, so there is slower onset. I performed a series of sublingual versus injection tests with mb12. I also performed the 10 brands tests.
What I found corresponds very well with the experience with morphine. By using urine colorimetry, in this case using subtractive color printing filters to turn the urine neutral gray, one can come very close, to within one "just noticeable difference (05 color density) to how much mb12 is absorbed into serum and then out in the urine which happens to everybody except those whose kidneys don't work.
First in the 10 brands tests a group of 5 of us comparatively tested 10 different brands over a more than 1 year period doing A-B comparisons. Two brands were outstanding for qualitative, and maybe quantitative, characteristics in all 5 persons and 1 brand was a complete zero. The other 7 had mild activity.
The injection series I had to do because of access and not many people ware willing to study their urine hundreds of times. I did a series of injections from 1mg to 25mg. Keeping the folate condition the same, the only variable was the size of the injections. Then a series of large dose sublinguals was done. The sublinguals had as much b12 showing up in the urine over the range 25-50mg corresponding to the coloration of the urine of injections ranging from 5mg to 12.5mg. The calculated absorption of of the sublinguals was approximately 15% at 45 minutes increasing to 25%+ at 120 minutes. Further these larger doses, in both injection and sublingual, had the same CNS/CSF penetrating qualities and affected my leading edge indicators, the central neuropathies affecting my feet, in the same way.
An important consideration to keep in mind is that injectable mb12 varies on 2 axis'. The first is something the pharmacy and the user can do to keep it effective, minimize light exposure using opaque syringes, vials and safelight mixing. The other is beyond pharmacy control. Mb12 comes in crystals. It is clear that qualitative aspects of different batches of these crystals varies as much as the differences between brands, and in the same way. The more batches I have used the better this qualitative aspect gets filled in. I have been injecting mb12 for almost 7 years now. After 3 or 4 days of using an inferior mb12 injectable a single sublingual tablet will make a noticeable difference. After injecting highly effective mb12 for a week 50mg of the same sublingual will make no difference at all, and that also works the other way around. 3x10mg mb12 sc injections daily are fully equivalent in all respects 3x50mg sublingual 3+ hours total duration.
Others have duplicated the short version of the 50mg sublingual compared to 10mg SC injection.
Differences in methods will obtain different results. A 1 mg IM injection will attain the same serum levels for 30 minutes or so as a 10mg SC injection will attain for 8 hours or so. This can cause diffusion into the CNS that doesn't occur with a 5mg sublingual since the sublingual is spread out over some hours. For healing the CNS it appears that longer serum peak is superior in steady healing performance. Perhaps you are feeling that quick onset and penetration into the CSF/CNS if you are otherwise taking equivalent doses.
I am taking Country Life methylcobalamin. I tried 24 mg, but right now I am at 9 mg as there is not much difference in the sublingual for me at higher dosage.
Quite right, the adenosylb12 reaches equilibrium quickly and for the body, very little difference if any between 3mg and 24mg. It might pay to try a 51mg dose once to see if it provides a 1 notch increased experience as it penetrates the CNS/CSF. This only can happen for me, to be noticeable, about once each 2-3 weeks.
For best qualitative results and CNS penetration I find I have to take both the high quality mb12 sublinguals, both 5 star brands with three metafolin orally and the sc 10mg injection 3x per day, and once a day 3x3mg adb12 with one of the injections along with the other sublinguals. Most injectable mb12 I have received is not as effective as the two 5 star brands, and they are different from each other. I tried for years to get away from the sublinguals because of the inconvenience and just don't have the results without them.
You are very fortunate if you get high quality mb12 injectable every time. Mb12 broken down by light will cause acne type lesions, nervous system loosing functionality and generally an increase in symptoms that gets worse over time, whereas mb12 startup symptoms while they shift around end up improving (ie less numbness instead of more numbness in feet).
There are many studies through the years with all sorts of cobalamins demonstrating the equivalence of oral versus injectable b12 if the dose takes the difference in absorption rate into account.
Good luck.