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B12 low body temperature connection


I had a blood test done and get this results:

Methyl Malonic Acid: 0,62 umol/L Ref: 0,08 – 0,56 umol/L

B12: 997 pg/ml Ref: 211 – 911 pg/ml

This results I get without supplementing b12. So I have High b12 and high MMA.

My symptoms are fatigue, low body temperature and pain on legs.

Since I had low body temperature, I starting taking thyroid hormone, but this don’t worked, my temperature don’t increased and I get hyperthyroid symptoms (weight loss, anxiety, etc).

Starting taking methylb12, 5.000 mcg, but I feel worse whit it, fell sleepy and fatigued.

So I switched to hydroxyb12, 1.000 mcg, don’t feel worse, but don’t feel better either.

What can I do?

My real doubt is if b12 deficiency can lower your body temperature? Since I don’t respond to thyroid therapy, maybe the cause of my cold body is the b12.

If methyl gives me sleepy, should I take it at night?

Has someone here increased his body temperature whit b12?

Thank you very much.


Test Subject
My symptoms are fatigue, low body temperature and pain on legs.
The symptoms you describe are a subset of my own, I have not found anything that works.
I have been taking vitamin supplements for years but my body temp has remained lower since the onset of my illness. I too want to know what can be done, since my doctor has said not to worry about it.

I have started on CoQ10, this gives me a burst of energy, but then I crash real hard afterwards.