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B1 - cognitive function and mood


Making the most of it
A few weeks ago I started taking 62.5mg Vitamin B1 per day. It's a small dose due to my sensitivities. I was experimenting with it to see if it would help lower my BGLs (skinny type 2 diabetic).

I'm not sure if it is helping with BGLs as I am also experimenting with lower carb diet, but what has been noticeable is an improvement in cognitive function and stabilisation of mood.

This is just my experience, but thought I would share it in case it helps someone else.

Best wishes Andy


Senior Member
Aggravated effects of coexisting marginal thiamine deficits and zinc excess on SN56 neuronal cells

Zinc excitotoxicity and thiamine pyrophosphate deficiency (TD) are known pathogenic signals contributing to mechanism of different encephalopathies through inhibition of enzymes responsible for energy metabolism such as pyruvate dehydrogenase, aconitase or ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. The aim of this work was to investigate whether subclinical Zn excess and TD, frequent in aging brain, may combine yielding overt neuronal impairment.
Results: Clonal SN56 cholinergic neuronal cells of septal origin were used as the model of brain cholinergic neurons, which are particularly susceptible to neurodegeneration in the course of Alzheimer’s disease, hypoxia and other dementia-linked brain pathologies. Neither subtoxic concentration of Zn (0.10 mM) nor mild 20–25% TD deficits alone caused significant negative changes in cultured cholinergic neurons viability and their acetyl-CoA/acetylcholine metabolism. However, cells with mild TD accumulated Zn in excess, which impaired their energy metabolism causing a loss of neurons viability and their function as neurotransmitters. These negative effects of Zn were aggravated by amprolium which is an inhibitor of thiamine intracellular transport.
Conclusion: Our data indicate that TD may amplify otherwise non-harmful border-line Zn excitotoxic signals yielding progress of neurodegeneration.