Hi Hack team,
I am writing to request an accurate and even journalist report on the latest research, politics and treaments for ME/CFS.
I would like to direct you to the website of the Health Report and recent controversy over its biased coverage of the PACE trial results in the UK.
The Australian ME/CFS association also provides coverage of recent research into ME/CFS including the detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patientswith chronic fatigue syndrome.
Researchers at the NIH & FDA have also found murine leukaemia virus (MLV) in 86.5% of patients tested with ME/CFS.
While Australia has banned blood donations from any past or present patients with ME/CFS, Australia has taken no initiative to conduct research or testing into the link between ME/CFS and XMRV/MLV.
The Royal Australian College of Physicians [RACP] published clinical practice guidelines in 2002 which were condemned by patient advocate groups. These guidelines contained an overemphasis on psychological and psychiatric factors and largely ignored much of the biomedical research into ME/CFS. They have not been updated since.
Here are two concise summaries of biomedical abnormalities and research findings in ME/CFS.
http://www.mecfswa.org.au/UserDir/Documents/Biomedical Review.pdf
I have included some links for your information and reference.
This is from Dr. Jose Montoya, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases at Stanford University. In this video he discusses CFS and current research regarding diagnosis and treatment and the possible CFS-infection connection.
Here is a link to the videos from the recent NIH: State of Knowledge Conference
http://videocast.nih.gov/PastEvents.asp?c=0&s=21 and here is a list of the presenters and topics
http://orwh.od.nih.gov/CSF 2011/newsEvents.htm
International ME/CFS/FM Awareness week is on the 8th - 14th May 2011, International ME/CFS/FM awareness day is the 12th of May.
I implore your team to provide a report on ME/CFS to commemorate the above awareness day/week.
Sincerely yours,