Letting all our supporters know (those who replied in the thread), the donation has gone thru to Vikki at CountMEin, and on to WPI.
The following note was sent to the WPI.
Hi Andrea.
I just wanted to let you know I have put thru a $1,100 donation to WPI via CountMEIn.
This was part of the "August is call it ME project" by those of us who encourage the use of the name ME.
By Greg and Cort at the Phoenix Rising forum.
And our supporters ...
In the PhoenixRising forum.
MaryB, Jace, Sasha, Eric_S, ggingues,
Enid, Tulip, Max, MaddieTodd, SilverabladeTE, MaryB, WillowJ, JustinReilley, OverTheHills, Fla, Wildcat, Guido den Broeder, Ember.
In the NotCrazy forum (Australia)
Cath, Kate, Rich01, NL, Allyson.
Technical support by Ash.
I do have a sense that we are winning and we are all, all around the world, very grateful to WPI.
Greg F
PS The Vivint doubling period went in a few minutes at 4am our time. I don't think I could have helped there.
From Andrea.
Greg that is so kind of you. I'm going to give this to communications and donor relations and I'll let you know when we post. Thank you so much for your very generous contribution.
And with Vikki we wouldn't have Count ME In. The support of the UK is so special to us. Thank you to CMI and causes
From Annette.
Thank you for your generous donation and kind support. With help from friends like yourself we will win this battle. I promise you that we won't give up searching until we find the answers.
With warm regards