Attack on Lipkin/Hornig and Fluge in a medical magazine


Senior Member
The bias on these forums is pretty staggering sometimes. Mads Reimer makes some good points.

Just to be clear, my problem with Reimer is that he has much lower standards for psychosocial work. In that context his newest piece is more irritating than if it had been written in isolation.

I think that so long as it's done with fully informed concern, a properly conducted and rigorous trial of a drug intervention following on from a chance observation is perfectly reasonable.


Senior Member
IMO, Mats Reimer (blog author and Swedish pediatrician) is a nasty piece of work who has for years used his blog to denigrate particular patient groups and legitimatize the healthcare system's neglect and abuse of said individuals and their families.

I will admit though to not having read this most recent piece. Just can't bring myself to go there given previous experiences with his opinions and attitudes and their very cruel real-world consequences for so many.