There are certainly differences in cytokines and NK cells and whatever else, but to think their manipulation would fix anything is still just shooting in the dark.
I guess that's a question that research studies would be able to answer. Nancy Klimas is using a computer model to test drugs that interfere with cytokines; It's going to be a case of trial and error.
There is absolutely no reason to believe something is wrong primarily with the immune system in CFS/ME.
Yes, we're in the dark about the cause of ME, but there are research leads.
I think there are lots of research leads that suggest the immune dysfunction is a central feature of ME/CFS.
There's a wide variety of immunological research being carried out, and I can't see how we can possibly conclude that the immune system doesn't have a role to play.
It's early days, but the success of Fluge and Mella's research suggests that B cells play a role in the illness, at least for a subset of patients.
Nancy Klimas is carrying out an autogolous stem cell study after some of her patients experienced significant improvement after an experimental therapy. (I don't know the details.)
Prof Lipkin is investigating NK cell function, and even the CDC is investigating NK cell function.
There have been limited improvements in subsets of patients with ampligen, immunovir, and anti-virals.
Of course they can try, but it does seem stupid and maybe even unethical to try such a damaging drug. Some side-effects of Cyclophosphamide: nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea, joint pain, unusual tiredness tiredness or weakness, and lethargy.
What the fuck are they thinking?
I agree it's a heavy-duty drug. But it's a heavy-duty illness. The reason that they're trialing this drug for ME is because they've already observed its efficacy in some of their cancer patients who also had ME. And their very small pilot study of three ME patients also demonstrated positive results. They're not randomly coming up with an idea and prescribing a random drug to hundreds of ME patients. They're carefully investigating and observing it.