I'm glad you found the information gathered in Annette's reply to Science interesting, Cort. We will be interested to read about the responses you get.
HowToEscape, you say
How do we know that MLVs cause illness, much less ours? There seems to be some link in prostate cancer, but that's open to question with the new understanding of subtle contamination in the testing materials themselves.
and yet there is reams of research going back many years available online showing murine leukemia retroviruses cause disease, particularly neurological disease and cancers, in animals. Here's three to be going on with.
G L Shen-Ong and L Wolff; Moloney murine leukemia virus-induced myeloid tumors in adult BALB/c mice: requirement of c-myb activation but lack of v-abl involvement; J Virol. 1987 December; 61(12): 37213725. PMCID: PMC255984
A Jinno-Oue, S G. Wilt, C Hanson, N V. Dugger, P M. Hoffman, M Masuda,3 and S K. Ruscetti Expression of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Elevation of Tyrosine Nitration of a 32-Kilodalton Cellular Protein in Brain Capillary Endothelial Cells from Rats Infected with a Neuropathogenic Murine Leukemia Virus Journal of Virology, May 2003, p. 5145-5151, Vol. 77, No. 9?DOI: 10.1128/JVI.77.9.5145-5151.2003
Jolicoeur P, Rassart E, Des Grosellers L, Robitaille Y, Paquette Y and Kay DG. Retrovirus-Induced Motor Neuron Disease of Mice: Molecular Basis of Neurotropism and Paralysis Advances in Neurology, Vol 56:43:481-493
And let us not forget Lombardi 2011, where the random forest algorithm picked out the XMRV+ ME/CFS patients by their cytokine profile.