Yes, Jace you are correct - but the CDC's finding it in 'transiently' in a few of their employees and none of their CFS patients - using the same tests - really doesn't do anything for CFS...In fact
it hurts XMRV in CFS because it suggests that the CDC
can find XMRV (the WPI says they cannot) - and that therefore it is not in the patients they were looking at. Even if they weren't good CFS patients it should have shown up in background levels.
I don't believe the CDC ever said that they'd been able to find XMRV in their lab employees - at the CROI, it was Mike Bush, Director of Blood Systems Research, who mentioned that some of his workers had tested positive. This info was posted on the forum at!
There's a link to the CROI video there, and it still works.
Just wondering, did the CDC ever actually make any verifiable announcements that their own employees ended up testing positive? The last I heard, they were only "looking".