Hi Firestorm, given that most of the audience had never heard of XMRV I imagine that it would have completely confused people if a potted history of the last two years was given. I've been on PR and Facebook every day for the last 2 years (exactly) and I could see the eyes of friends present glaze over as I tried to explain the convoluted history. My memory is better on the people than the science.
To me and maybe all of us, Judy Annette Dan Vincent are almost ME household names. Not so the audience, except for a few. In fact some left during Judys talk which was a pity, as most women my age were not offered science in school, and didn't know what to make of it. They were probably wrecked by then anyway. I think Judy took the measure of this quickly and slowed her breakneck speed for us. She did mention HGRV's too.
I'm sorry to say that I am seriously memory challenged and didn't take notes but many did and I'm pretty sure I saw a video camera. I had driven two hours after work and the goldfish brain was even more in evidence.
The talk was very similar to one I saw in London at Iime and NJ at Eatontown 2010.
Judy did mention being fired and it was obvious it hurt, she is in talks about a future collaboration with an Institution. She also mentioned the fraud nonsense and while outraged I don't think she was exactly quaking in her boots. * MY INTERPRATION *
I know this is an odd thing to say on a forum but I'm afraid to say something that I've misinterpreted and then see it hit the web and take legs. I think we all see evidence of that all the time.
One thing is for sure, a recent poster somewhere (here?) said Judy knows nothing about ME. Well cobblers to that as she must have sat through every masterclass on ME given in the last 5 years. She took great interest in Dr Perrins talk and wanted to talk to him later.
I met a woman in the loo who was a bit perplexed and asked if all we had to do was eat well and we would be 'fixed'. She was referring to the nutrition talk that I missed. I could have cried at that. I sometimes think that we are in danger of forgetting that for everyone who tries to educate themselves on ME/FM there must be a few hundred (?) who just struggle on, bewildered that no one is coming to the rescue. I know that PR has been a lifeline for me, even though I am mostly a lurker in an attempt to educate myself. I'm often perplexed and a bit intimidated by the science chat.
One thing is for sure, Judy is no politician and I for one am glad of it.
If we rely on the status quo we will, as my rheumy loves to tell me "die with it". God but I'd love to prove him wrong.