I can tell you about a third:
Since having being tested positive for EBV through DNA PCR RT Quali and not by any other ridiculous 'can't really tell if past or present infection' lab test method, I have been on insane AVs and ARVs, sometimes ones that are not indicated and sometimes, for the heck of it, more than I should be on at any one time.
I have had CFS for 15 years now, consistent twice a year flare up of hairy leucoplaky and days and days of continuous PEM just from walking round the block.
I have been on AVs for almost a year now and am back to working 20hr + weeks as well as being physically active over the summer about 2hrs 2 times a week. In fact so physically active that I was sidelined due to a physical injury, a first for me, and not because of an illness or fatigue issue.
For me, for those with virallly (CMV, EBV, HHV6) induced CFS, pple like Montoya and Lerner are right on the money.