We have seen clusters of shingles occurring. ... Shingles is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus. The Epstein-Barr virus, or herpes six virus, once reactivated, are hard to see. You will have to think about it, you have to do tests to confirm it. But chicken pox, showing up as shingles, you know the virus is reactivated.
So I thought this may be a good area to look at it, because I knew a number of these patients who had a prior respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. So what we found, when we investigated five cases is that the T8, or the CD8 positive lymphocyte counts dropped dramatically. So did the CD4 count, but much less so. This the total reverse of HIV. And this is totally different to Epstein-Barr virus. You can actually tell by looking at this.
So it was very interesting that the T8 cells drop profoundly, but in two months or so, when we repeated it, it came back to normal. This is comparing with . . by the CD4, CD8 cells of my chronic fatigue patient. You can see there's a big difference. Recurrence shingles, in most of the patients are independent of subsequent CD8 count. But a couple a patients, they had very low CD count. CD8 . . . T-lymphocyte cells. They have recurrent shingles. We have to keep them on acyclovir. We couldn't even stop it. Whenever we stopped the shingles would come back.