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I think any ME charity that is not against this is a disgrace. The only charity that we are invovled with is the Tymes Trust - who I know have major concerns over the LP study and are doing what they can to highlight their protest.
Have any studies been tired with adults?
I think studies into the LP should be done - not because I think they cure ME but to show what it can be useful for and its limitations.
Hi Suzy,
I am not sure what the Tymes Trust have done publicaly - re the LP study. But I know they are not in favour of it. I spoke to the trust recently as I wanted to know who I could write to to express my concerns as a parent about the study.
As you say Jane Colby will hopefully be be ale to tell you more.
I have been following this thread with interest -
Having an 11 year old with CFS - there is absolutely no way that I would allow my son to be part of the LP pilot scheme. As others have said any pilot project should undertaken on adults NOT vulnerable , ill children. The last thing a sick child needs is to be told they are not getting well because they are not trying hard enough or doing the process properly!!! Or worse feeling they have to say they are well rather than let people down.
Having ME myself I have an broad awareness of treatments etc - but my concern is for families where a child is sick and they do not fully understand what ME is- especially here in the UK where the understanding is awful. As a parent i know how desperate I am to see my son well- and would I be willing to let him participate in the LP study if I did not have wider knowledge - Yes i proabably would!
I think any ME charity that is not against this is a disgrace. The only charity that we are invovled with is the Tymes Trust - who I know have major concerns over the LP study and are doing what they can to highlight their protest.
Have any studies been tired with adults?
I think studies into the LP should be done - not because I think they cure ME but to show what it can be useful for and its limitations.
I have been following this thread with interest -
Having an 11 year old with CFS - there is absolutley no way that I would allow my son to be part of the LP pilot scheme. As others have said any pilot project should undertaken on adults NOT vunerable , ill children. The last thing a sick child needs is to be told they are not getting well because they are not trying hard enough or doing the process properly!!! Or worse feeling they have to say they are well rather than let people down.
Having ME myself I have an broad awarness of treatments etc - but my concern is for families where a child is sick and they do not fully understand what ME is- especially here in the UK where the understanding is awful. As a parent i know how desperate I am to see my son well- and would I be willing to let him participate in the LP study if I did nothave wider knowledge - Yes i proabably would!
I think any ME charity that is not against this is a disgrace. The only charity that we are invovled with is the Tymes Trust - who I know have major concerns over the LP study and are doing what they can to highlight their protest.
Have any studies been tired with adults?
I think studies into the LP should be done - not because I think they cure ME but to show what it can be useful for and its limitations.
I do know that at least one of the tymes trust phone ladies child has recovered via the LP though and jane colby is aware of that, The child in question has been well for the past 4 years now even after having a positive Dr chia endomspecy (sorry brain gone can't spell), it was through talking to her that actually encouraged me and my son into trying the LP, although the lady in question did point out to me that the tymes trust can't recommend any particular therapy & it was my decision entirelly ( spelling again, as you can see my brain fog has now returned, 3 months after dioing the LP!)
It has been suggested to me that any concerns should be voiced to the 'children's safe guarding unit' of the local authority in which the research is taking place. If it is taking place in the UK - which I imagine it is.
The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 are very clear - Prohibition on 31 Specific Commercial Practices that are in all Circumstances Unfair (Schedule 1). One of the 31 commercial practices which are in all circumstances considered unfair is “falsely claiming that a product is able to cure illnesses, dysfunction or malformations”. The definition of “product” in the Regulations includes services, so all forms of medical therapies, services and training programs are covered....