Article: An Altered Reality for ME/CFS: Dr. Mikovits Breaks the News on the Alter Pap

If so, George will win the pool. Please buy us all imaginary drinks with your imaginary winnings, George. The nice thing about imaginary drinks - alcohol intolerance is no obstacle!

Probably imaginary champagne would be most appropriate - I'm sure we'll all be feeling pretty fizzy when the big news hits.
Thanks, Cort! This sounds like the best kind of news... Why am I worried? Is it because I'm too sick to get out of bed, or is it because, like Cruzgirl suggested, a positive XMRV result might not apply to all CFS patients? I keep waiting/hoping for the next great CFS discovery, but I'm scared as hell that somehow it's not going to work out... It could be that I'm just too sick today to be totally rational. Still, it DOES sound like VERY positive news.
As a walking talking (just) one recognises the meaness in Science still (sort of I've got more than you). The WPI should be left alone (without distractions) to pursue their dedicated research.
... one recognises the meaness in Science still (sort of I've got more than you).

The essence of science is destruction: overthrowing existing paradigms; casting out those who have long held the title of overseers. What is more surprising is when this process occurs in an ordered and collaboration fashion between those who represent the long held yet tired views and those who seek to revolutionize our perspective on an issue. In my view, both parties share some responsibility for the manner in which change occurs but the attitudes of those whose long held views are being challenged have the largest role to play in the tenor of any paradigm shift.

ETA: When the succession from one paradigm to the next does take place without rancor and jealously, it is most likely because those whose ideas are being challenged are people with a larger world view that transcends selfish motives. The vanguards of the psychosomatic view of CFS have been the epitome of a narrow-minded, self-centered defensiveness.
Thank you once again. As I become more ill, I am also more hopeful, and do visualize myself as a whole and healthy person again. I cannot imagine not having the are amazing. And thank you to the moderators and others who help you.