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Please don't give up, Dreambirdie. I think we are witnessing a deep change in the CFS world, and the patient community in particular. We need to act with the sense of urgency Cort has written about. We also need to experiment, try different outlets and methods. Let's see what works! If one project is not successful, then perhaps another one will be. Persistence is one of the qualities we will need to cultivate as individuals and as a community.
The CFSAC meeting is in a month - there's an opportunity there; how about another video protest session - with more people.
A great phrase is golden - I think you've contributed a great phrase. (It really resparked my interest - made me see what was possible)
Connections are vital! Glad to hear you have some to that important area. (I may call on you at some point!)
Tabloid and over the top could be the way to go.
I would just love to see what happens! I have no idea. How great would it be to get it in when the CFSAC is meeting. I think its an intriguing idea - Esther came up with a great phrase = let's give it a shot! :victory:
I could also see having a YouTube video campaign where hundreds of patients make simple videos from their beds and couches, with one agreed-upon message, and then on a certain day, flood YouTube with them. There would be a press release to the media that this is happening and why. This would be our ACT-UP, because we can't actually march through the streets.
Hello All--
I want to thank the five additional new people who have posted on my CNN video (I report) page.
Please keep the comments coming. I really want to get Anderson Cooper's attention somehow.
[COLOR="navy" NOW is our time. NOW.
I know I am beating on a dead horse but this is critical. About a year or more ago, Dr. Wanda Jones called me since I was just such a major pain in the butt (go figure!). Well, she was very honest and forthcoming about the issues that they (the CFSAC staff) face. The staff works very hard for us, which I think we can all see. But the single major problem with the CFSAC is that NONE - NOT ONE - of the DHHS Secretaries have bothered to read the CFSAC recommendations that have been placed on their desk by Dr. Jones. Those recommendations are NOT read, nor are they signed off on.
Guys: We sick, our advocates, and Dr. Jones and her staff can NOT keep this up. We MUST get Secretary Sebelius to read and sign-off on those recomendations this year - 2010. Email her - overcrowd her emailbox and ask her to pay attention to what Dr. Wanda Jones and the CFSAC people are doing. We have emailed and beaten up on people to get things done and we have been successful. So, email Sebelius and get her attention. And yet again - SHE WORKS FOR YOU. YOU PAY HER SALARY. EMAIL HER. BE GRACIOUS BUT TELL/ASK HER WHAT YOU WANT FROM DHHS AND WHAT YOU WANT HER TO DO.
Let the emailing begin....[/COLOR]
Give a short Bio on ME/CFS, Ignored for 25 plus years and now a new Retrovirus has been linked to ME/CFS and Prostate Cancer by the WPI, Cleveland Clinic and the NCI and then the Demands, again specific points with how to resolve the demands...such as 1) Fund Centers for Excellence for proper diagnosis and treatments in major cities.... Resolution: 1) WPI is up and running, a Cash infusion would slingshot them into treating patients and doing Clinical Trials , Miami with Dr. Nancy Klimas has a clinic which could easily convert into a Center, Dr. Bateman in Utah... You get the idea. This CFSAC meeting should be Patients not just telling their History with this debilitating illness, but Demanding CFSAC to push the DHHS. So it is time "To Act". Now that I have opened my mouth I shall open my wallet(Put up or Shut up) Thanks for listening