You can view the page at
I'd better get royalties if my suggestion's used (it suddenly looks far less well phrased to me though!).
Also, I don't know what sort of people that Patient Alliance have access too, but I know a couple of people who worked in fairly senior marketing positions, and I expect would be willing to give advice if needed.
Its all being funnelled through Pandora which is a 501 3 (c) organization - so the answer is yes.
Cloud, I assure you, the message will be strong. I have already generated one sample which is now being reviewed by a doctor to make sure the statement we make is not beyond the science.
But, we are welcoming lots of other ad concepts. One idea is to do a similar one to the Rebecca Project, an open letter, which was successful in getting news media attention, print and T.V., and then got politicians to pressure Craigslist and then they got what they wanted.
We are also welcoming other concepts. Please e-mail me with your ideas at
The patients will make final decision, by majority vote, since this is a patient-driver campaign.
We had a conference call today about fund raising.
This lack of help and participation has been very frustrating to me. I will soon be giving up on my activism because of it.
This lack of help and participation has been very frustrating to me. I will soon be giving up on my activism because of it.
Please don't give up, Dreambirdie. I think we are witnessing a deep change in the CFS world, and the patient community in particular. We need to act with the sense of urgency Cort has written about. We also need to experiment, try different outlets and methods. Let's see what works! If one project is not successful, then perhaps another one will be. Persistence is one of the qualities we will need to cultivate as individuals and as a community.
I'd better get royalties if my suggestion's used (it suddenly looks far less well phrased to me though!).
Also, I don't know what sort of people that Patient Alliance have access too, but I know a couple of people who worked in fairly senior marketing positions, and I expect would be willing to give advice if needed.
i love this newspaper ad campaign and i already donated.
i think that we need to be ready to do more tho, we need to put bodies on the street. for those of us who are able, please consider your own one-person (or 2-3 people) protest in front of blood donation centers.
we need to ACT-UP, like folks in the HIV/AIDS community did.
Dreambirdie: Done. Will continue to put your link out there with the Causes page link.
Don't worry. Your video WILL get the attention it deserves.
I also think that it will give some journalists and reporters background information that they did not have and will prod them into looking deeper into all that has gone on for 25 plus years.
I've already donated $25 to the big print media campaign and have attempted to get others to do so, albeit not very successfully.
As I mentioned before, I've been putting together a big mailing of my CFS video on disk, along with a very articulate letter about CFS, to folks in media and government. It's cost me about $80 so far for duplication and postage. I am sending this to: my district reps, my federal rep and senators, Henry Waxman (head of the HEALTH committee), Sibelius, Collins, Wanda Jones, Michele Obama, and a few others. (11 people altogether.)
I've also sent the disk to several in the media, including Anderson Cooper at CNN. I asked people here to post comments to my CNN page, but despite my efforts (PM'ing many folks individually) I have only gotten 11 people to actually follow through and leave a comment...which is kind of pathetic. It only takes a few minutes to leave a comment and we certainly need more than 11 to get CNN's attention.
I have also been attempting to get people across the country to submit my video to their local community tv/public access stations. So far ONLY TWO people have been willing or able to help me with this. Both Tree and Otis, who are in Colorado. Dannybex is going to try in Seattle.
This lack of help and participation has been very frustrating to me. I will soon be giving up on my activism because of it.