@Jonathan Edwards - That's actually not the case. Methylation doesn't always suppress gene expression - it depends what you methylate. Promoter methylation usually suppresses gene expression, whereas methylation of the gene body usually upregulates gene expression - although even that is not that simple, and it can vary between genes. Certain genes in particular are known to increase expression as methylation increases.
From Nature (
http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v13/n7/full/nrg3230.html ):
"DNA methylation is frequently described as a 'silencing' epigenetic mark, and indeed this function of 5-methylcytosine was originally proposed in the 1970s. Now, thanks to improved genome-scale mapping of methylation, we can evaluate DNA methylation in different genomic contexts: transcriptional start sites with or without CpG islands, in gene bodies, at regulatory elements and at repeat sequences. The emerging picture is that the function of DNA methylation seems to vary with context, and the relationship between DNA methylation and transcription is more nuanced than we realized at first. Improving our understanding of the functions of DNA methylation is necessary for interpreting changes in this mark that are observed in diseases such as cancer."
There are 2 major classes of DNA methyltransferases in humans, DNMT-1 and DNMT-3 (several subtypes). DNMT-1 is the primary active form in mature humans. It functions by methylating hemimethylated CpG islands - i.e. after replication, a CpG island becomes hemimethylated, as one of the original 2 methylated strands goes to each of the 2 new replicated DNA double helices. DNMT-1 recognizes where there was full methylation previously (based on hemimethylated status) and methylates the other strand. So it doesn't really methylate indiscriminately. This is how cells maintain their commitment to a particular lineage - e.g. when an endothelial cell divides, it doesn't become a neuron. The epigenetic imprinting is copied by DMNT-1. Maternal imprinting is copied from cell to cell by this mechanism as well over the course of the organism's life.
DNMT-3 is active early in the development of the organism and much less later on and plays a key role in the commitment of various cell lineages. It will methylate unmethylated and hemimethylated CpG islands.
DNMT-1 can sometimes methylate portions of DNA that are not hemimethylated, but at MUCH lower frequency. This is why having sufficient methyl donors doesn't just lead to completely indiscriminate methylation of DNA and suppress anything and create "zombies." =P
There is evidence that hyperhomocysteinemia can impair the function of DNMT-3 in maintaining methylation, particularly in leukocytes.
Too much methylation isn't necessarily a good thing either - hypermethylation has been linked to cancer through suppression or activation of various genes. Like many things, the ideal balance is somewhere in the middle, and there are tradeoffs on either extreme.
Note that one characteristic of CpG islands is that they are palindromic when considered as double stranded - so if you have it on the sense strand, you have it on the antisense strand, when reading each 5' to 3'. This is why it makes so much sense to methylate them, as the methylation can be propagated as cells divide.
I don't think that adding methyl donors (aka "the methylation protocol") can override normal cell control, but it does allow the cell to maintain methylation patterns as DNA is copied. The key is whether we're discussing de novo or hemimethylated DNA methylation, and which DNA methyltransferases are involved. There is strong mechanistic / theoretical evidence that reducing homocysteine is beneficial in reducing cardiovascular risk, although I'm not aware of a large, high quality study that looked at the endpoint of reduced cardiovascular risk. My endocrinologist and I have discussed this at length, and he's very interested in the topic, and he is strongly of the view that hyperhomocysteinemia is a modifiable risk factor - although he believes elevated LDL cholesterol is NOT! (Statins work, but not for that reason - which is why fibrates and niacin, which lower LDL's, do not lower CHD risk.) I don't think everyone should follow a methylation protocol, and I'm not certain genetic testing is critically important, but I think if you have high serum homocysteine, you should take folic acid, and if that doesn't fix it, take methylated forms + TMG etc. to bring it down.