For fresh_eyes with apologies for the late response...
Hi fresh_eyes,
Because the bulk of discussion about DSM-V and ICD issues has been going on the thread you started here:
the psych lobby strikes again: DSM-5 v. WHO's ICD in the US
I haven't been checking back to this thread very often for new postings, so I did not spot your question until yesterday - so sorry about that.
Do you still plan to launch a website for US centric DSM-V and ICD issues?
You have asked:
Would you be willing to lay out your opinion on the WHO's intention? I apologize if you've already summed this up elsewhere - if so, just point me in the right direction.
A preamble to answering your question:
On this page of my new site:
I have set out the
current codings in ICD-10 for
Postviral fatigue syndrome;
[Benign] myalgic encephalomyelitis and
Chronic fatigue syndrome
For new readers to this thread, note that this information refers specifically to ICD-10 - not to Clinical Modifications of ICD. The US currently uses a Clinical Modification of ICD-9. The US will be implementing a Clinical Modification of ICD-10, called ICD-10-CM, in October 2013 and will not be moving on to ICD-11 (or a modification of ICD-11) for many years. So it is proposals for the US ICD-10-CM that have immediate relevance for the US.
The Introduction to
ICD-10 Volume 3: The Alphabetical Index Version for 2006 lists several possible relationships between a term included in the Alphabetical Index and a term included in the Tabular List to which it is indexed:
The terms included in the category of the Tabular List are not exhaustive; they serve as examples of the content of the category or as indicators of its extent and limits. The Index, on the other hand, is intended to include most of the diagnostic terms currently in use. Nevertheless, reference should always be made back to the Tabular List and its notes, as well as the guidelines provided in Volume 2, to ensure that the code given by the Index fits with the information provided by a particular record.
Because of its exhaustive nature, the Index inevitably includes many imprecise and undesirable terms. Since these terms are still occasionally encountered on medical records, coders need an indication of their assignment in the classification, even if this is to a rubric for residual or ill-defined conditions. The presence of a term in this volume, therefore, should not be taken as implying approval of its usage.
and, according to a February 2009 response from WHO HQ Classifications, Terminology and Standards Team, terms that are listed in the Index may be:
a synonym to the label (title) of a category of ICD;
a sub-entity to the disease in the title of a category;
or a best coding guess.
ICD-10 does not specify how, in indexing Chronic fatigue syndrome at G93.3, it views the relationship between
Chronic fatigue syndrome,
Postviral fatigue syndrome and
Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis. Nor does ICD-10 specify how it views the relationship between
Postviral fatigue syndrome and
Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis.
As far as I am aware, WHO Geneva has
never set out a clarification of how it views the relationship between these three terms. That is, does it view
"Chronic fatigue syndrome" as a
synonym to
"Postviral fatigue syndrome" and/or
"(Benign) myalgic encephalomyelitis" or having one of the other various relationships?
On the same page on my new site, I have quoted from some of the statements that have been made in the past by Dr B Saraceno, WHO HQ, Geneva and by Andre l'Hours, formerly WHO HQ.
In January and February 2009, Dr Robert Jakob, WHO Classifications, Terminology and Standards Team, reaffirmed that these statements made in the past by Dr Saraceno and Mr lHours regarding coding and classification which I have quoted on my site are still valid. He also added:
there is no evidence that any change should be made to this in ICD-11;
the same principles will apply to ICD-11.
Note that
none of these responses from WHO classification experts, that are collated on my site, specifies ICD-10s view of the relationship between
Chronic fatigue syndrome,
Postviral fatigue syndrome and
Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis, and that ICD-10 provides no definitions for any of these terms.
In the absence of specification within ICD-10 and in the absence of clarification by WHO HQ, Geneva, classification experts,
I make no assumptions about how ICD-10 views the relationship between these three terms.
What have the ICD Topic Advisory Groups proposed so far?
None of the ICD Revision Topic Advisory Groups have so far issued any reports that mention any proposals for changing the current classification and codings of Postviral fatigue syndrome or [Benign] myalgic encephalomyelitis, or any changes to the current indexing of Chronic fatigue syndrome at G93.3.
As you know, ICD-11 is being drafted via an electronic collaborative authoring tool called the iCAT. The iCAT has not yet been publicly launched. When it has launched, members of the public will be able to view the progress of any proposals for changes to existing codings and classifications, proposals for additional terms, and proposals for textual definitions, descriptions etc.
You can view 9 brief video reports on the operation of the iCAT here:
The first draft of ICD-11 (the Alpha Draft) is currently scheduled for May 2010.
Until the Alpha Draft has been published, it won't be known what proposals might have been made either internally by ICD-11 Revision Steering Group and Topic Advisory Group Managing Editors or externally by stakeholders and other interested parties who have already submitted proposals. (Proposals made so far via the ICD Update and Revision Platform can be viewed if a log in account is set up.)
So as far as the revision of ICD-10 goes, it is too early to establish what ,if any, changes ICD Revision
might be proposing for the three terms of relevance to us.
So it is not possible for me to make an informed opinion about the
"WHO's intentions".
I make no assumptions, either, as to whether ICD Revision intends to classify "Myalgic encephalopathy" in ICD-11, and if so, under what code.
For ICD-11, all three Volumes of ICD will be electronically published and integrable. It is not yet known whether the ICD Revision Steering Group will propose including Chronic fatigue syndrome (currently included in in Volume 3: The Alphabetical Index, only) in Volume 1: The Tabular List for ICD-11.
My site makes no assumptions about what proposals might be made by any of the Topic Advisory Groups for the inclusion of Chronic fatigue syndrome in Volume 1: The Tabular List, in ICD-11.
What my site will be doing is to monitor the progress of the revision of ICD-10 Chapter VI: Diseases of the nervous system (the Neurological chapter) with specific reference to the classifications coded at G93.3 in Volume 1: The Tabular List: Postviral fatigue syndrome; Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis; and indexed at G93.3 in Volume 3: The Alphabetical Index: Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Content in ICD-11 will be populated in accordance with the Content Model Style Guide. There is the potential for considerably more textual content to be included for diseases, disorders and syndromes in ICD-11 than appears in ICD-10. It is not yet known how much additional content might be included in ICD-11 for the entities currently classified at G93.3. My site makes no assumptions about the nature and extent of the textual content that might be proposed by any of the Topic Advisory Groups for inclusion in those categories of relevance.
My site will be monitoring the population of content proposed for inclusion in ICD-11 for these three entities.
My site makes no assumptions about what proposals might be made by the Topic Advisory Group for Mental and Behavioural Disorders (TAG MH) for the revision of the Somatoform Disorders section in Chapter V; or whether, and to what extent, the Topic Advisory Group for Mental and Behavioural Disorders might seek to achieve congruency between category names, glossary descriptions and criteria in Chapter V with those within a restructured DSM Somatoform Disorders section (or whatever name might eventually be adopted for this section in DSM-V).
My site will be monitoring the progress of the revision of Chapter V: Somatoform Disorders section with specific reference to those categories currently classified between F45 F48.0 and also monitor the revision of the corresponding DSM-IV Somatoform Disorders section which the DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorders Work Group is proposing to rename and potentially restructure.
So the short answer is, there is insufficient information at the moment on which to base an informed opinion on proposals - other than that Dr Jakob has said that clarifications and statements that have been made in the past by Dr Saraceno and Mr lHours regarding coding and classification, and on classification principles, are still valid.
So if you see people on forums claiming that
"The WHO wants to move 'CFS' or ME or "CFS/ME" into the Mental Health Chapter" I suggest that you challenge them to set out the basis for their claims and to provide you with the documentary evidence on which they base their claims. I don't make any claims in the material that I publish since my policy is to raise awareness and disseminate documented information - not speculation.
Will new readers to this thread please note the information above refers to the revision of ICD-10 to ICD-11.
The US currently uses a Clinical Modification based on ICD-9. But instead of moving onto ICD-11, once the revision of ICD-10 has been completed, the US will be implementing a Clinical Modification of ICD-10 called
ICD-10-CM, in October 2013.
There are disparities between some of the proposed codings for the forthcoming US Clinical Modification and those in the current ICD-10: for example, the classification and codings for Postviral fatigue syndrome, (Benign) myalgic encephalomyelitis and Chronic fatigue syndrome differ between ICD-10 and the current proposed codings and classifications for the forthcoming US ICD-10-CM.
Current proposals for the US Clinical Modification ICD-10-CM, scheduled for implementation in October 2013, propose classifying Chronic fatigue syndrome at R53.82.
For most recent ICD-10-CM proposals see:
CDC site: International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
2010 update of ICD-10-CM is now available here and replaces the July 2009 version:
[1] Although this release of ICD-10-CM is now available for public viewing, the codes in ICD-10-CM are not currently valid for any purpose or use. The effective implementation date for ICD-10-CM (and ICD-10-PCS) is October 1, 2013. Updates to this version are anticipated prior to implementation of ICD-10-CM.