APA forces domain name change for "DSM-5 and ICD-11 Watch" site + Allen Frances blog

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Media coverage is being collated on my Dx Revision Watch site on this page: http://wp.me/pKrrB-1Bi

The story was picked up, yesterday, on

PLoS Blogs


About Neuroanthropology

Neuroanthropology forms part of PLoS Blogs, and is one of eleven founding blogs that joined with PLoS.org, everyONE and Speaking of Medicine to provide a comprehensive network that covers science and medicine...Daniel Lende is Associate Professor in Anthropology at the University of South Florida. He trained in medical, psychological, and biological anthropology and public health at Emory University...


Wednesday Round Up #160

Daniel Lende | January 11, 2012

This week I lead off with some controversy over the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM 5, which is due out in 2013. This is not the first time the DSM 5 has come into the publics eye (its been there pretty much since it got announced), but the focus has zoomed in on the machinations of the American Psychiatry Association, the force behind DSM 5, in protecting its DSM 5 brand while also maintaining closed control over the production of the new set of diagnoses.


Follow-up, published today, to Dr Frances' commentary on January 3:


Psychology Today
DSM5 in Distress
The DSMs impact on mental health practice and research.by Allen Frances, M.D. (Chair, DSM-IV Task Force and currently professor emeritus at Duke.)

Allen Frances, M.D. | January 12, 2012

DSM 5 Censorship Fails
Support From Professionals and Patients Saves Free Speech

Last week I described the plight of Suzy Chapman, a well respected UK patient advocate forced to change the domain name of her website by the heavy handed tactics of the publishing arm of the American Psychiatric Association. The spurious legal excuse was commercial protection of the 'DSM 5' trademark; the probable intent was to stifle one of the internet's best sources of DSM and ICD information. This bullying could not have come at a worse time - just as final decisions are being made on highly controversial DSM 5 proposals and with the third and final draft due for release this spring. This is precisely when a ragged and reckless DSM 5 can most benefit from the widest and most open discussion.

Though APA's trademark claims were patently absurd, Ms Chapman did not have the necessary resources for a protracted fight against a well staffed legal department. Visits plummeted drastically to her new web address (reaching a nadir of just one hit per day) and the site faced months of slow recovery. But the good news is that APA's clumsy attempt at censorship has backfired, free speech will prevail, and the site is now more popular than ever...

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Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Update from Dx Revision Watch

From Suzy Chapman for

Dx Revision Watch

18 January 2012

When is the third and final public review of proposals for DSM-5 expected?

No firm date as yet. The DSM-5 Timeline still has a third and final review listed for January-February, for a two month long stakeholder review and comment period [2].

This information is outdated.

The APA has announced that its field trials are running behind schedule and some trials won't now be completed until March, this year.

The third and final draft is now expected to be released for public review and comment, no later than May 2012?, according to DSM-5 Task Force Vice-chair, Darrel Regier, MD [3].

I will update as more information becomes available about the posting of the third and final draft.

DSM-5 proposals with the most relevance for us are the proposals of the "Somatic Symptom Disorders" Work Group for the revision of existing DSM-IV "Somatoform Disorders" categories. The SSD Work Group's current proposals can be found on the DSM-5 Development website [4].

iPetition for professionals:

An Open Letter and Petition sponsored by an ad hoc committee of the Society for Humanistic Psychology (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association), in alliance with several other American Psychological Association Divisions, has attracted nearly 11,000 signatures with 40 mental health professional bodies and mental health organizations publicly endorsing the Open Letter [5].

The "Coalition for DSM-5 Reform" committee is calling on the American Psychiatric Association to submit its draft proposals for new categories and criteria for DSM-5 to independent scientific review.

Please note that the Society for Humanistic Psychology iPetition is for signing by mental health professionals and allied mental health professionals; it is not intended for signing by patients.

American Psychiatric Publishing serves "cease and desist" letters and threats of legal action against Suzy Chapman:

A reminder that the site formerly operating under the subdomain dxrevisionwatch.wordpress.com and known as "Dx Revision Watch" is now known as "Dx Revision Watch" - Monitoring the development of DSM-5, ICD-11, ICD-10-CM and operating at http://dxrevisionwatch.wordpress.com/

The issuing of legal threats on behalf of the American Psychiatric Association, just before Christmas, has generated considerable interest and outrage amongst blogging mental health professionals [6].

I am collating commentaries from Allen Frances MD, who had chaired the DSM-IV Task Force, Bernard Carroll MD, Margaret Soltan PhD, Dan Carlat MD, Howard Brody MD, PhD, Jack Carney DSW, author Gary Greenberg, Steve Balt MD, Paula J. Caplan PhD, Mindhacks, Daniel Lende, 1 Boring Old Man (Mickey Nardo MD), James Gaulte MD, and advocates in Post #123, on this page of my site: http://wp.me/pKrrB-1Bi


1] DSM-5 Development site

2] DSM-5 Timeline

3] DSM-5 Task Force Ponders Round 2 of Public Feedback: Deborah Brauser for Medscape Medical News, August 31, 2011

4] Somatic Symptom Disorders

Complex Somatic Symptom Disorder (CSSD) criteria

Simple Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSSD) criteria

Key documents: Disorders Description
http://www.dsm5.org/Documents/Somatic/Somatic Symptom Disorders description April 18, 2011.pdf

Rationale/Validity Propositions
http://www.dsm5.org/Documents/Somatic/DSM Validity Propositions 4-18-11.pdf

5] Coalition for DSM-5 Reform (an ad hoc committee of the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Division 32 of the American Psychological Association) Open Letter and Petition for Professionals

6] Coverage of APA's threats of legal action against Suzy Chapman

Suzy Chapman


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
William Heisel reporting at Antidote at Reporting on Health

On Monday, January 27, investigative health reporter, William Heisel, published Part One of his report on the two cease and desist letters served to me on December 22, on behalf of the publishing arm of the American Psychiatric Association.

You can view these letters and correspondence here:

APA correspondence

Read Part One of William Heisels report here:

Slap: American Psychiatric Association Pressures Brit DSM5 Blogger Suzy Chapman

On Thursday, William Heisel continued the story:

Reporting on Health

William Heisels Antidote Investigating Untold Health Stories

William Heisel | February 29, 2012

Slap: American Psychiatric Association Targets One DSM5 Critic, Ignores Others

From the way the American Psychiatric Association threatened UK writer Suzy Chapman, one would think APA is fighting legal battles everywhere to protect its trademarks.

But Chapman appears to be in an elite category. Antidote wrote Monday about how APA forced Chapman to change the name and URL of her DSM-5 and ICD-11 Watch site, saying it infringed on APAs trademark for its main guidebook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

But similar sites and uses of APA trademarks abound. Why hasnt the APA gone after them?

Read on

Additional commentary:

Knight Science Journal Tracker, Paul Raeburn, March 1, 2012

Psychiatrists issue legal threat, silencing blogger critical of diagnostic manual.


National Association of Science Writers


Neurobonkers, March 1, 2012

APA Shut Down DSM-5 Blogger


Suzy Chapman
