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anything for anxiety that doesn't work on GABA?


Senior Member
I withdrew from a low dose of Mirtazapine a few weeks ago -- I was only on it for 2 weeks, for sleep, but have felt intensely restless (to the point of akathisia), overadrenalized, stiff jaw etc. for the past 4 weeks and am going crazy.

I cannot take benzodiazepines because they paradoxically agitate me. I cannot take Taurine, Magnesium, Lemon Balm or anything else GABAergic because they also agitate me. Antihistamines make it worse the next day.

I tried N-acetylglucosamine, but didn't notice a thing at 2500mg a day.

I am taking Lithium Orotate (about 5mg b.i.d.) and it helps mildly. 1000IU of Vitamin E helps a little too.

I have some N-acetylcysteine, but react poorly to that too.

Beta-blockers calmed me physically somewhat, but didn't fix the akathisia.

Anything? :*(


West Australia
If i'm really keyed up i take a sublingual glutathione until it calms me. I have no idea why it works for me.
I kind of discovered it by accident.

Both Fredd and Rich have recommended against taking reduced glutathione for the methylation cycle so it's probably not a good long term idea. But when you really need some relief....

I also strongly recommend stablon as an anxiolytic. It has a few good qualities for the me/cfs person and really calms your whole system down.

These are just my personal preferences.

Look for Hip's anxiety remedies on his thread. Can't find the link atm
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Senior Member
These herbs work well for me and I didn't tolerate GABA at all: Lemon balm, skullcap, passionflower, and catnip. Passionflower and catnip combined seems to work very well.

Valerian and kava kava do not work well for me so I suspect they work on GABA.


Senior Member
These herbs work well for me and I didn't tolerate GABA at all: Lemon balm, skullcap, passionflower, and catnip. Passionflower and catnip combined seems to work very well.

Valerian and kava kava do not work well for me so I suspect they work on GABA.

Thanks chilove. What does GABAA do to you, out of interest?