Anyone tried Limbic Retraining: Dynamic Neural Retraining System?


Senior Member
Can this program reverse food intolerances that imply anaphylaxis as it occurs in mast cell activation syndrome? Please only respond if you experienced that or know someone who could reverse these kind of reactions.
I had/have this. My reactions are already better. Yes it’s physiological but all body is connected to mind. That’s how some people can heal by the power of mind. That’s how placebo works (ie much better than actual drugs, ppl ignore this simple fact).


Senior Member
I didn't end up start ing the DNRS, as I got caught up with other interventions. Two body/mind treatments that I'm certain are game changers. I'll post about them soon.
Interesting. Pls keep updated. I’m doing DNRS. It’s already helpful!


Senior Member
I didn't end up start ing the DNRS, as I got caught up with other interventions. Two body/mind treatments that I'm certain are game changers. I'll post about them soon.
Hi, do you feel up to naming the two body/mind treatments that you like? Thanks.


Senior Member
Hi everyone, I talked to my parents today and they want to buy DNRS for my birthday.
Question is - can it be done with less advanced English skills?
I'm open to the possibility that an out-of-whack limbic system that interprets everything as a threat can lead to increased stress, which can lead to an inhibited immune response, which can lead to a reactivation of latent viruses like EBV, which can lead to fatigue or other very real physical symptoms. But something about keeping the "cure" as proprietary information that you can only get for $300 and otherwise can't find much information about what the program entails online just feels off to me.

My doctor also wanted me to get on DNRS. 1 hour/day, 6 days/week for 6 months. He told me he could order further testing for chronic infections, but that for me it would be a waste of money. But I've already spent over $1k out of pocket in a few days between multiple appointments and labs that insurance won't cover, and I won't even get started on how much I've spent on therapists because conventional doctors told me I'm just depressed. It's crazy how much this stuff adds up just trying to become normal again, and shelling out $300 to learn 6 or 7 steps is sort of adding insult to injury. If I had discovered a cure for this stuff, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops!

Edit: 1 hour/day, 6 days/week for 6 months is a MASSIVE commitment. I kinda feel like committing to anything that much will create SOME kind of change for you. What if I committed to meditating that often? or doing yoga? or going on light walks, or learning Qigong or Tai Chi or cultivating a hobby that I do for the sheer enjoyment, like playing guitar or something? To put that much into it and receive little benefit would be even more devastating than whatever money was lost.
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But something about keeping the "cure" as proprietary information that you can only get for $300 and otherwise can't find much information about what the program entails online just feels off to me.

You can return it after 6 months if you don't like it. It's a multi step thing where you talk to your brain and do some memory and visualization.
I'm wondering what people do with this program while in a moldy house. People seem to be able to use it to actually decrease reactions to mold, but others say mold isn't something you should use it for. I know mold illness isn't on annie hopper's list of problems DNRS treats, anyways.

It would make sense to me that mold reactions are at least partly due to limbic priming and therefore could be lowered with this program. Any thoughts?


Senior Member
Hi all,
Im now after 1,5 month of training DNRS, daily one hour. I don't think it's such a commitment as someone writes - why? I think lot of people do procrastination during day, and for me, DNRS helps make your day more effective. I removed some unnecessary daily activities and procrastination and a one hour a day will fit into my program good!

But now the results...

For me, now biggest result is much better sleeping! I often had problems with the tingling of my limbs at night overstimulate my nervous system. Also often poor sleep or getting up in shock... now its gone! I sleep now every day without a problem 9 hours!

Im now also on disulfiram for lyme, hard to say, what is more effective for my energy recovery during day, but fact is, I have milder and milder PEMs.

these are small advances, but I'm happy :)



Senior Member
New Zealand
Hi all,
Im now after 1,5 month of training DNRS, daily one hour. I don't think it's such a commitment as someone writes - why? I think lot of people do procrastination during day, and for me, DNRS helps make your day more effective. I removed some unnecessary daily activities and procrastination and a one hour a day will fit into my program good!

But now the results...

For me, now biggest result is much better sleeping! I often had problems with the tingling of my limbs at night overstimulate my nervous system. Also often poor sleep or getting up in shock... now its gone! I sleep now every day without a problem 9 hours!

Im now also on disulfiram for lyme, hard to say, what is more effective for my energy recovery during day, but fact is, I have milder and milder PEMs.

these are small advances, but I'm happy :)

Congratulations on your improvements!

I couldn't do DNRS as so much of it involved visualization which I struggle with but I have done other types of brain retraining so this is encouraging

Are you doing any breathing techniques as part of the program?