I've had some improvement lately, maybe enough to 'qualify' for putting my story in.
I've been sick for about three years, so not so long I guess... The first year + I tried to push through (didn't know what was wrong yet), and keep working as much as possible, though not terribly successfully. I went on disability leave for the next year and was predominately at level 2, sometimes 3. A couple of brief (a day or two, usually no longer) spells of being able to do a bit more - though not work.
My symptoms when I was at my low levels were: fatigue, extreme cognitive difficulties, horrible short term memory, OI, muscle pain, joint pain, sleep dysfunction, hypersensitivity to sound/light/touch, gut dysfunction, muscle cramping, muscle weakness, muscle unresponsiveness (like the communication between my brain and muscles was broken down), tingling/numbness in muscles, that's all I can think of...
I returned to work still in pretty bad shape. It was that or apply long term disability and I didn't feel like I was 'ready' to give up my career without one last 'try' - a stupid gamble perhaps but that's what I did. Also honestly I was more afraid of navigating the maze of applying for LTD than trying to go back to work, which is sad. The first 5 months were miserable - I couldn't drive myself to work and a 'good' day was when I could fake it (sit up straight and speak somewhat coherently when spoken to) most of the day and I didn't feel like crying from pain and exhaustion at the end. I did not expect to be able to do it much longer.
About four months ago I realized that I was starting to feel a bit better, I started driving myself to work and 'good' days started to involve some actual productivity. This trend has continued. I think I'm probably at a 7 or 8 the last few weeks. While four months isn't really 'long' it's the longest improvement I've had by far and I seem to be continuing to improve, so I am cautiously hopeful. Fingers crossed. Knock on wood.
My current protocol (this almost exactly what I've been doing for about the last 6 months, and some of it for at least 8, parts longer):
- LDN .5mg (I tried a larger dose but it made me depressed, groggy and sleepy)
- Glutamine 2g (two separate times I've started this at 2g and both times had a noticeable improvement in mental functioning. The first time I thought, "if 2 is good, 4 or 6 must be better!" and I lost the benefit. So this time I'm staying at 2.)
- Baclofen 10-20mg (helped with muscle cramping/pain and I believe improved deep sleep, especially at the 20mg dosage)
- Lysine 3g (1g wasn't noticeable, 3g a day was)
(These first four have had the most noticeable effect for me.)
- Ambien 5mg
- Aleve twice a day (reduces inflammation)
- Salt tablets (6 thermotabs)
- Serine 600mg
- Magnesium
- Potassium 600mg
- Mb12 1mg sublingual
- Zinc 25mg
- Milk thistle
- Vit. C
- B-complex (very basic, no folic or folinic acid)
- Massage
- Acupuncture - I don't know much about this but there seemed to be some correlation between gradual improvement and when she started treating me for "dampness" (whatever that means