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] Hi Athene,I was at level 0 for a year, completely bedridden.
My mother had to feed me baby food because I could not chew, my family washed me and carried me to the toilet I forgot how to speak adn understood little, so my ability to communicate was very limited. I was in something like a strange comatose condition between waking and sleeping for a year.
I gradually got better and finished my degree at uni, I was about a level 8.
I spent the next 26 years with CFS varying between remission, where i was at level 8 or 7, and relapses where I was unable to work and about level 1 or 2 for up to 6 months at a time but never anywhere near as bad as the first time. I had bad brainfog but could always talk and read etc.
I never had any treatment other than taking megadoses of magnesium, zinc and vitamin C. The main thing that made me get better was resting in bad all day, doing nothing and having no pressure to do anything.
I've now had blood tests (2 years ago) that confirm the following infections
Chlamydia pneumonia
mycoplasma pneumonia
Lyme disease
epstein barr (high titers, fluctuating)
HHV (high titers, fluctuating over time)
Intestinal candida
The two viruses were acquired several years after the initial onset, I remember very dramatic onset of both of those which caused major relapses. I am very convinced that the other infections were all present from the initial onset.
I found that 16 grams of vit C a day very helpful. I followed Linus Pauling's advice, increase to tolerance over and over again until you stop getting sick. It helped tremendously even with the folate and active b12 deficiencies. Living in Ohio and Maine at the time and spedning lots of time outside and in the woods I have had a lot of tick bites. I did have them too in Utah. Sagebrush country is thick with ticks. We all examined each other after coming inside every day and usually found a couple of ticks. Never did find one that had fed but they may have been gone by that time. We did have to use removal processes though after they had attached. No disease was ever verified in any of us from those but who knows.