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Anyone had a significant cognition boost from Turmeric ?


Yes it blew my brain fog away.
Funny thing, i took it before CFS and was super Brain in University. Then i stopped an my IQ dropped like 50 points(because of CFS) Then i discovered it again, and ye its pretty nice. With piperin and high enough with constant blood plasmna level rly rly good for brain health.
In a mice study it repaired dmged brain from alcohol completely to normal.


Senior Member
Yes it blew my brain fog away.
Funny thing, i took it before CFS and was super Brain in University. Then i stopped an my IQ dropped like 50 points(because of CFS) Then i discovered it again, and ye its pretty nice. With piperin and high enough with constant blood plasmna level rly rly good for brain health.
In a mice study it repaired dmged brain from alcohol completely to normal.
Great. What brand did you use?
I'll have to look up how much a day I should take for it to have a significant therapeutic effect.
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Senior Member
Isn't Curcumin what make Tumeric so effective - i.e. its the most vital part(?)

3% of turmeric root is curcumin, and its one of the important active principles. But turmeric has other active principles, such as ar-tumerone (full name: aromatic turmerone), which is thought may reduce microglial activation and promote neural stem cell proliferation.
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Senior Member
3% of turmeric root is curcumin, and its one of the important active principles. But turmeric has other active principles, such as ar-tumerone (full name: aromatic turmerone), which is thought may reduce microglial activation and to promote neural stem cell proliferation.
Good info, thanks. The neural aspect of Turmeric appeals to me. Do you have a brand you'd recommend? There are so many out there, and I'm slightly lost.
I know that some supplements contain lead at unhelpful levels. I focused in on Thorne because they have a good reputation.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
@Bansaw Turmeric is the raw ingredient. It is not very bioavailable at all and is loaded with oxalates, which are sharp crystals which impact mitochondria, cause pain and create oxidative stress.

Curcuminoids are the most widely used bioactive ingredients derived from turmeric, sand are known as curcumin. Curcumin is an antioxidant, broad spectrum phase II detoxer, anti-cancer, a COX2 inhibitor and anti-inflammatory.

I use it to decrease brain swelling after my IVIG treatment and it is very helpful.

I used to get IVs if it and found it very helpful. Unfortunately, it is not available in the US currently, so I had to switch to oral and I tested several brands to see which one work the best. Though I use a lot of Thorne Research products, And I know that Thorne Meriva has good science behind it, I tried up to eight grams a day, and it wasn't as effective as the IVs were. I tested Longvida, Liposomal, Thercumin, Sabinsa's formulations, and all the other "high bioavailability" products on the market, and only two had the power I needed:



https://www.nurish.me/products/corecumin - very concentrated - treatment is 3 drops, sublingual.

They are expensive, but effective, and noticably better than any of the others.


Senior Member
One thing to look out for is adulterated turmeric! This page contains tips on how you can differentiate between adulterated and pure turmeric.

Good tip.

I use saffron as a mood booster (been shown as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressant drugs). I was buying it for years online, and came across a tip for home testing for fake saffron: it turned out the stuff I was regularly buying was 50% cut with a filler.


Senior Member
turmeric made me very sleepy, ginseng and rhodiola also did - wish i knew why, it doesn't make sense, some kind of paradoxical reaction i guess.