Thanks Lansbergen
I read on wiki that Levamisole also may have an antidepressant effect. I will read a few more of your posts.
I wonder how you come across levamisole and whether it helps with other me/cfs symptoms?
Regarding the excess choline in the brain, i dont know what the current research conclusion is. This is an interesting article i keep going back to by Rich Vank , and i guess it explains why i might get depressed on citicoline.
As you probably know, choline comes partly from the diet, and part of it is made in the body. The connection with the methylation cycle is that it is thought that the second largest use of methylation in the body (after the synthesis of creatine, thought to be number one) is the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is an important phospholipid, making up the cellular membranes. It is also an important component of bile.
Some of the phosphatidylcholine is broken down, and the choline used for other purposes. A major one is the synthesis of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine serves as a neurotransmitter in parts of the brain, it serves as the neurotransmitter between the nerves and the muscle cells, and it serves as the neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic nervous system in general.
In chronic fatigue syndrome, it is my current hypothesis that choline, phosphatidylcholine, and acetylcholine are depleted. I realize that some of the magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies have concluded that choline is elevated in the brain, but I think this conclusion was based on a faulty assumption. In these studies, the ratio of choline to creatine was found to be higher than normal. It was assumed that creatine was unchanged between normal, healthy people and PWCs, so the conclusion was that choline was elevated. However, because of the partial methylation cycle block, I think we should expect that creatine is depleted in CFS, and if it is depleted more than choline is depleted, the ratio would be higher than normal, even though both these substances were depleted.
I expect that there will be an MRS study coming out soon that will report on absolute measurement of these metabolites, rather than simply ratios, and I expect that it will show that choline and creatine are both below normal in CFS.
I think that low acetylcholine would explain the results of blood flow studies in the forearm reported by Vance Spence's group at the U. of Dundee a few years ago. I think it can also help to explain why the ratio of sympathetic to parasympathetic nervous system activity in CFS is higher than normal, as shown in heart rate variation studies.
The assumption of constant creatine has carried over to the use of creatinine ratios in urine testing of various metabolites. The assumption of constant creatine to creatinine conversion rate has justified this practice for compensating for differences in urine dilution by water. Normally this is fine, and the creatinine production correlates with lean muscle mass, but is otherwise a constant. But in CFS, we see drops in 24-hour creatinine excretion in urine, and I think that is consistent with the partial methylation cycle block.
So that's the situation as I see it in CFS in most cases, and I'm hopeful that it will be borne out by work now underway.
Now, getting to your case, it sounds as though you have an unusual response to choline supplementation. Elevated acetylcholine in the central nervous system can cause depression. My guess is that your body may overproduce acetylcholine, or it may not be able to break acetylcholine down as rapidly as normal, and one or the other of these may account for the depression on supplementing choline. This sounds like a genetic issue, given the experience of your mother and your son as well. The rate-limiting step in the production of acetylcholine in the neurons of the central nervous system is the transport of choline into the neurons. The breakdown of acetylcholine is accomplished by the cholinesterase enzymes.
So I suspect that you may have inherited a genetic polymorphism that speeds up the action of the choline transporters, or a genetic polymorphism that slows the action of one of the cholinesterases.
As to what can be done if the acetylcholine level is too high, you are probably aware of scopolamine, which blocks muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, including in the central nervous system. I don't know if that would help you or not, but it's something to look into.