Anyone care to discuss Bladder Issues?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
putting a bit of baking soda ( 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon)

I just re-discovered the baking soda thing last week and took it for like three days, didnt' quite notice an effect at that moment, but then everything went to chaos as I was getting ready to come back. Its like my whole F-ing day is Drink this, then that, then after that, drink that, then take that...then get my tea in. Oh, I"m still starving, and what do I eat now? (I'm losing weight constantly...seems like).

I now confess the very excessive urination rate of 7/ hour occurred on a day I had taken a Mexican mint tea...that was supposed to help, well whatever that was at that moment last week.

So I will re-deploy the baking soda and pay more attention.:nerd:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
but aggravated or compressed nerves apparently aren't uncommon in people with all kinds of low back problems,

Thats interesting...and I have lower back issues and poor energy flow thru the CTM typically indicates that my bladder things are kidney qi related. But I haven't discussed ALL the many petals of my bladder flower!

At some point I think I thought maybe I had a prolapsed bladder, then perhaps I decided I didn't.

In addition to all the issues raised here so far...the COLLAGEN problem, and the loss of muscle... AND I am 10 years into menopause...well, ALL SUSPECT quite frankly.

I never did get an answer as to why the ultrasound guy said my bladder was not full. I must have a tiny bladder. WHY?


Senior Member
I only implied that Rufous McKinney might have a prostate. lol But you were correct. ;)
That all brings to mind years ago at a place I worked when one of the older fellows had to take leave to deal with prostate cancer and one of the 20-something to 30-something gals in the department asked me one evening, "Since you went to nursing school maybe you would know what I could to to help not get prostate cancer?"
What do ya say?
me: "Well, Mary, you were born doing the right thing."
she: "Huh??????????????????????"
Seriously, NOW what do you say to her?
What are this company's policies on giving reproductive anatomy lessons in the workplace??????????


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Well two thoughts: my chiropractor helped his own son with his bed wetting by giving him adjustments so the nerve compression could be a factor.

I also have overactive bladder and feel like I have a low-grade bladder infection all the time even though I haven't tested positive since I was a kid.

Here's the other odd thought: When my sodium levels get low, my bladder pain multiplies exponentially. It's a weird solution but I find if I skip my homemade electrolyte for a few days (who likes to drink salty water :vomit:) the pain starts getting really bad.

I'm not sure what it balances out in my kidneys but it seems to help; sometimes the pain even goes away completely and if I wake in the middle of the night to help my mom, I can go back to bed without using the restroom. Something that never used to happen.


Senior Member
Im relieved to find that i am not the only one with these issues.I have bladder issues since more than 10 years so long ago before ME/CFS.
main issue: emptyimg the bladder.
they told me my bladder was(at age 22,and being slim)overstreched and has actually "sunken" down.
When im stressed i cant empty my bladder.for hours outch! Butt then what helps to relax the bladder is loads of magnesium but takes hours to get relieve back


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I"m having alot of bladder issues. I'm curious if others have similar issues and if anything can help calm hyperactive bladder.

Last week I had an incident when I suddenly had a bout of urgency which came of so strongly and quickly that started to pee myself before I got to the toilet (I could even hardly make the next room). I know what had caused that for me.. that was I'd had half a cup of weak coffee. (Im very sensitive to it and it tends to end up stimulating my bladder, I usually do not drink it at all). So Im wondering if you are drinking coffee.

As far as being unable to empty the bladder goes... I had the issue when I was on a certain drug. That issue was painful as I really struggled to even release my bladder. I had to stop taking that drug. So you may want to consider if any of your drugs could making it harder to empty it.

I'm glad I know what causes both those things in me


Forum Support Assistant
Here are a couple of tips that might help:
A pumpkin seed oil extract may help to reduce urinary incontinence, urgency, and frequency:

From JennyTipsForME on PR:
Pumpkin seed oil has helped me with not needing to pee so much. It's the main ingredient in a irritable bladder supplement that's advertised on TV. Previously this has been a major issue for me since my ME started 19 years ago.

how many of you guys above have O.I / NMH /POTS as well? Im curious if theres a relation or not..(?)

It can be related because of disruptions in the amount of antidiuretic hormone. Too little antidiuretic hormone can lead to frequent urination which can lead to low blood volume, low blood pressure, and OI because the body can't hold onto fluids properly.

I also have frequent urination, irritable bladder, very low BP, and OI (NMH).

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I also have frequent urination, irritable bladder, very low BP, and OI (NMH)

All these tips are great...!

I may have OI...and I have low blood volume but technically have high blood pressure. I do drink one small cup of coffee most days. I drink alot of herbal teas.

I found an HERB that helped on several occassions...then DID not BRING those herbs with me. Sometimes I just flunk consistent application of fixes. And since I take 42 Chinese herbs already, this herb has not been evaluated by CTM...

Its: Icelandic Angelica...Angelica archangelica . I have never seen it in a store, I order The brand name is SAGA Pro. It helps men and women...some prostate support as well.


Northern USA
Northern USA
Here's the other odd thought: When my sodium levels get low, my bladder pain multiplies exponentially. It's a weird solution but I find if I skip my homemade electrolyte for a few days (who likes to drink salty water :vomit:) the pain starts getting really bad.

This is another form of the salt thing. Wee bit of baking soda, in small amount of water, I find most helpful, in middle of night, away from all food and other drinks.

I wonder if a wee bit of salt in the coffee would help? To offset??
That was just a wild thought. I have no idea on that.

Painful bladder with decreased capacity is a sign of interstitial cystitis.

Yep! Ow. :aghhh:

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Yay, lets google That!

Yeah: another "issue" described as we don't know how to diagnose it, what causes it, or what to do about it.

Mast Cell stuff may be involved: I suspected such.

Probably the weak muscles and collagen have reduced my bladder capabilities, the 8.3 pound baby I produced, the ME is messing with our chemistry, and TADA.. I live asking where is the bathroom, stressing over not being five feet away from one, and the general embarassment that everybody else seems fine.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Here is a link to a recent study that looked at stress- activates Mast Cells in the bladder, exacerbating Interstitital Cystitus.

My recent bladder debacle was clearly stress related, on the airplane. I knew that as I sat there, on five hours of sleep in a nauseated stupor.. Holding the record for bathroom visits on a four hour flight.


Senior Member
You referred to having had a bladder fill ultrasound so I assume you have ruled out prolapse? I had a cystocele (bladder falling down) and stress incontinence and had it repaired last November with a sling.
I have IC but only when pushing way beyond my limit. Back when I was working as an RN I had a lot of problems with it.

Also here is a weird thing: If I drink alcohol.. I mean ONE SIP I get that bladder infection feeling right away, within minutes. Can't figure out how. I wonder if anyone else has that?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
You referred to having had a bladder fill ultrasound so I assume you have ruled out prolapse

No, I was having an ultrasound for a "phantom pain" that seemed to be around an ovary. I received no information from that ultrasound, other than the statement: Your Bladder is not Full". I saw something on the TV screen that I presume was my bladder. I don't know what a full bladder looks like, nor have I seen anyone elses.

I don't have stress incontinence (leaks, from coughing or sneezing or laughing).

Its an example of getting a medical test, and failing to get the technician to tell me anything.

"Why are you saying my bladder is small"...would have been an obvious question, but I cannot explain why I did not ask . My recollection was: this person does not answer questions. This person holds some device, during a humiliating procedure, and does not speak to the patients. Then gets paid.

My insurance then denied further testing and I ceased chasing that Pain. I generally now avoid chasing pains. Its not worth it.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I don't have stress incontinence

oh: the last part of this story is: after the ultrasound, I received a letter from my insurance indicating I had been diagnosed with Stress Incontinence. The pain had disappeared and the requirement was that i return to the Primary Care Physician (per this letter)...well I did not return, as that PCP had virtually provided me with zero care. Shortly thereafter, I changed insurance.

Denied, continues.