I've also heard that portables emit more radiation than cell phones. A friend of mine solves this problem by ALWAYS using the speakerphone. Of course there's no such thing as a private conversation this way.
I have a cell phone but I always put it on speaker, too (advice of the friend above) which works in all but the very noisiest situations. And I recently got a landline. If you're looking for a cheap phone, thrift stores often have the old, non-emf-emitting types nice and cheap. They're better made, too, seems to me - and you can use your phone in a power outage.
I lived without electricity for 28 years, so I can feel the emfs. After too much computer use (it's my TV, too) I find it helps to go outside and literally get grounded - lie on the ground. Or just be outside away from a screen and electricity for awhile. Yoga and taoist exercises help, so did walking back when I could do more of it, but even a little concentration on things bodily really helps me.