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Any help with 23andme results?

Just patched my data into geneticgenie and here is what it shows....

VDR Taq +/+
MAO-A R297R +/+
ACAT1-02 +/-
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTRR A66G +/-
MTRR A664A +/+
CBS A360A +/+

Any input as to what this means and or how it can help me in treating my CFS?


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
@Xhale19991 ,

I can't tell you what it means in terms of your CFS, but this is what I understand:

All of your Vitamin D receptors aren't as efficient as they could be. If you have more Vitamin D around, the reaction that's supposed to take place will take place more often, so you could consider supplementing with Vitamin D.

The MTHFR enzyme that creates methylfolate - half of the enzymes are less efficient than they could be, half are normal. Overall, you probably have 65% effectiveness. You might consider supplementing with methylfolate to make up for it.

The MTRR enzyme is also a little slow. I don't understand completely how it works, but supplementing with sublingual B12 is usually the preferred approach. Methylcobalamin (methylB12) is preferable to cyanocobalamin (a form that doesn't occur in nature, but is all over the vitamin shelf). If you have side-effects from methylB12 (which I would not expect, based on what you wrote), hydroxyB12 might work better.

The only thing I would caution you about, is that when you supplement with B12, you will use up your methylfolate faster. You might create a deficit. So I wouldn't suggest supplementing B12 without supplementing methylfolate also.

Best of luck to you, with your genetics and your CFS.