Anxiety, Ammonia, and the NMDA Receptor

New York
Lactulose was AMAZING for me. It was given to me at a breath test. About 2 hours after taking I felt positive emotions for the first time in many years and I had a ton of energy for about 4-5 hours after. Then it was gone

I've tried all the alternatives listed on this thread with no success. Can't get it without a prescription in the US. Interestingly, my blood ammonia test came back low normal.
I know its been a while since this threads been active but i must ask: are any of the men worried at yuccas ability to mimic estrogen? Also, besides yucca what is the best thing to take during the day when I cant take charcoal so i avoid stealing up all my daily nutrients and can't really take ornithine or arginine since those are meant to be taken on a empty stomach.....


Senior Member
Lactulose was AMAZING for me. It was given to me at a breath test. About 2 hours after taking I felt positive emotions for the first time in many years and I had a ton of energy for about 4-5 hours after. Then it was gone

I've tried all the alternatives listed on this thread with no success. Can't get it without a prescription in the US. Interestingly, my blood ammonia test came back low normal.

does lactulose lower ammonia?


Senior Member
I take an arginine/ornithine combo about 15 minutes before meals.

how much do you take? have you tried citrulline or citrulline malate?

I took arginine and felt GREAT! so much mental organization.. it was like reverse ADD :) I think I took too much and I crashed, but it was the first time that I realized how much cardiovascular problems may be a culprit... I'd love to find a way to safely increase nitric oxide, or the correct nitric oxide.. thanks.


Senior Member
I've run out of it (just taking ornithin) and my anxiety, etc., has been worse again, so I should try and go back and see if there's a change. I haven't tried citrulline. Malate doesn't seem to agree with me...

I'm not sure how laculose lowers ammonia, but it just does. It's a prescription drug. I tried it for constipation and didn't see any effects except for gas.


Senior Member
I've run out of it (just taking ornithin) and my anxiety, etc., has been worse again, so I should try and go back and see if there's a change. I haven't tried citrulline. Malate doesn't seem to agree with me...

I just ordered some citrulline malate from powder city... we'll see
Suffolk, UK
I think the recommended dose of lactulose for reducing ammonia that is causing mental and other physiological issues (at least in the UK anyway, its non prescription here) is 30 - 50ml 3 times a day, but I'd start at 15ml twice a day or less to get used to it as it has laxative effects and bearing in mind taking the least amount possible to obtain a 'response' is a sensible approach when taking anything.
Please note I am not a doctor or medically trained.
I wonder that nobody mentioned urea cycle disorders (UCDs).

Front Neurosci. 2015; 9: 177.
Secondary psychosis induced by metabolic disorders
Olivier Bonnot, Paula M. Herrera, Sylvie Tordjman, and Mark Walterfang

If you have high ammonia you should try sodium benzoate and arginine HCL, that's the standard treatment for acute hyperammonemia caused by UCDs. Except for the UCD arginase deficiency where excess arginine is produced.


Senior Member
Here's a very interesting medical article on treating hyperammonemia.
Note that the authors say, "Current treatments for hyperammonemia, such as antibiotics or lactulose, are designed to decrease the intestinal production of ammonia and/or its absorption into the body and are not effective, besides being often accompanied by side effects."
I wonder that nobody mentioned urea cycle disorders (UCDs).

Front Neurosci. 2015; 9: 177.
Secondary psychosis induced by metabolic disorders
Olivier Bonnot, Paula M. Herrera, Sylvie Tordjman, and Mark Walterfang

If you have high ammonia you should try sodium benzoate and arginine HCL, that's the standard treatment for acute hyperammonemia caused by UCDs. Except for the UCD arginase deficiency where excess arginine is produced.
I Think UCDs are more rare, but sodium benzoate is definitely worth a try.