Antiviral/-bacterial strategy


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I will repeat it once again here as I have already done many times: I don't recommend antibiotics, especially changing the used antibiotic. ALWAYS keep some multi bacterial types Antibiotic TOTALLY unused because when the cause of ME is revealed you will need them to destroy what is causing your ME. If you expose them to an Antibiotic they will become resistant to it immediately after one exposure. You could find yourself with nothing to defeat them without some major work with EPI's and the Antibiotic will always be weaker if the pathogens have been exposed to the Antibiotic even with EPI's.

For your own sake don't disregard my warning or you could find yourself in a situation with a practically untreatable infection. Their biofilm(s) promote resistance to all antimicrobials they are exposed to.

If you lower the inflammation, by boosting Glutathione, it will help to better control viruses. The immune system dysfunction is what creates the rise in viruses. The inflammation is also partly what creates the energy problems due to high levels of LPS. Some may show lower LPS but those are people whose bodies are more able to deal with and neutralise LPS. There are herbs which can lower LPS and there are herbs which have EPI activities and can maximize the effect of antibiotics.

I will suggest that people stick to a small group of antibiotics, that includes herbs so that the pathogens cannot become adapted to them. Plan carefully so that you don't use up all available antibiotics for when the cause is actually proven. They are not close to that ATM. I could solve this within 6 months with what I know if I didn't have additional complications which is making progress extremely slow.

Find out what antibiotics you have used before and don't allow Doctors to vary them otherwise you won't have anything left to destroy the pathogens when the time comes around. There are always some strong antimicrobial herbs, the same goes for them too. Their biofilm(s) will allow them to adapt to just about anything while their biofilm(s) are intact.

If you remember nothing else on this forum, remember what I have said because it will make a big difference in your future. Don't give the F'in things any more chance than nothing. I read lots of reports by people about reactions they had to stuff they have eaten and they don't realise that it is indicating that pathogens have adapted to an anti-biofilm/antimicrobial effect of what they have consumed. Yet another thing which cannot be used against them.....