just wanted to say i am so glad for the commeraderie on this board, it is a lifeline for me. it is scary living like this, i agree.
there are now a few people who think they might be feeling worse several months after dropping AZT from the regimen, me included. since i started ARV treatment, i have suspected that AZT was doing the bulk of the work...so now i am really wondering if it isnt another retrovirus altogether that is causing the CFS.
but then again, there is someone doing well on just raltegravir and another person doing well just on tenofovir...
i'm starting to feel like, if i ever do get better, there won't be much time left or anything in my life left to enjoy...how will i even relate to anyone? everyone i know has spent the last 20 yrs evolving, building families...and i have been just dealing with this.
sorry to be depressing...but the science is just moving so slow, its ridiculous.