Antiretroviral Trial


Senior Member
just wanted to report that i have been deteriorating a little more i think. i stopped azt several months ago and i am worried that maybe it has been a very slow, gradual deterioration since then...?

i have to begin azt again soon and stop tenofovir, while i am on vistide.


Senior Member
still not feeling good...seem to be getting worse. brain swelling worse...a lot of malaise...throat hurts a little...just very sick.

i stopped tenofovir 2 days ago. havent started AZT yet. will try to send blood for NK cell function test before i begin Vistide Wednesday. worried :-/


Senior Member
Hi there, Sue,

How are you doing today? We're thinking of you and wishing all the best for your first vistide infusion.

Big hug,


Senior Member
thanks a lot rooney and aquiarius. i really appreciate the well wishes.

aquarius...i can always hope it is that....i sent blood today for the LU30 test so i will see if my NK cell function has gotten lower.

i have been told that for the NK Cell function to stabilize, i need to address all the infections and inflammation...and i clearly still have quite an infection.



Senior Member
So im getting tested for cmv, hhv6, epstein barr, sedimentation rate (inflammation amount), and mycoplasma. I couldnt think of any other coinfections to get tested for. Hopefully the results will lead me towards another treatment. my brain still hurts...

9/1 will be my rheumatologist appointment.


Senior Member
hi all. i had my first cidofovir infusion yesterday. i had taken probenacid 3 hrs before with food and everything seemed OK. i had no idea the border crossing at niagara was so busy and of course, they held me for questioning. the cab driver, who was charging me fair +tolls + $32 to go over the border, said i would have to pay anyway and he left (i had read that the broder was a short walk from where the bus dropped me off but this wasn't the case). one woman in the waiting room at the border office said she had been there over 2 hours, so i was pancking, knowing the infusion nurse was waiting for me and i had already taken the probenacid. after 20 min wait, i asked one of the officers for help and he let me across the border.

the infusion went smoothly. we did 1 L of saline, 1 L of Vistide, and 1 L of saline (most CFS docs seem to be doing 2 L of saline after instead of one but my doc wanted me to do one, saying I can drink a lot of fluids after if i want).

During the infusion, I felt sleepy but didnt sleep because I felt like I should make conversation with nurse. she seemed confused that i was taking vistide without having CMV so i told her the whole story. everyone told me i would be running to the bathrom a lot cuz of the saline but i only went maybe 3 times.

my cell phone was new and i didnt know how to set the alarm so i fell asleep after the nurse left. consequently, i was 1 hour late for my 2nd probenacid dose. i took it quickly without food, along with some other meds, and fell back asleep. i woke up 1 hour later and soon after, began vomiting. i felt feverish and horrible.

i remembered that vistide can kill people and no one i had spoken to told me they vomited, so i panicked and took a cab to a nearby local hospital, where i was informed that i would have to pay $800 or so to see the doc and get the liver and kidney tests (i was now in the US part of niagara falls). i decided then to take a cab to the toronto hospital where my doctor works. on the way, i threw up violently again and decided to go to a hospital on the canadian side of niagara. then, i changed my mind again and told the cab driver to just take me to the toronto hospital. i threw up again.

for the last several years of my CFS, i notice i have lack of bladder whenever i threw up, my bladder would empty itself, despite the fact that i had just gone to the bathroom. the poor cab driver had to stop repeatedly for plastic bags for vomit and to let me change.

finally we got to toronto and i infomed the cabbie that there was a whole bunch of urine soaked into his back seat. he seemed upset and said he had just gotten the SUV and would have to sacrifice an entire day of work while he got it professionally cleaned. he asked for $50 extra and i gave him $60. he was very kind and after all that, still gave me his card.

at the toronto ER (this is known as the best ER in toronto and is always packed full), i saw that miraculously, there were no other patients waiting. incredible. i had no fever and normal blood pressure. they gave me bloodwork and urinalysis, which was normal except for low phosphorus. since they were not busy, they let me rest and i fell asleep for 90 min. i was 4 hrs late for the last dose of probenacid. as expected, the attending physician said i was "making myself worse" by trying experimental treatments for CFS". i didnt care to argue.

i had to take another cab home and fell asleep. so i wasted about $350 on top of the already ridiculoulsly high price of this treatment.

the bed and breakfast owners, where i had the infusion done, were very kind and called today to make sure i was OK.

i emailed my doc, who said different people's gastrointenstinal systems respond differently so i shouldn't worry.

i slept most of the day today and feel maybe a little worse in my head and neck, and my right lymph node aches... but thats about it. i go back next wednesday.

the bed and breakfast was so pleasant and i had planned on taking advantage of the wonderul breakfast and leisurely walk around the falls but it was not to be!

thanks for reading


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Interesting daff, thanks for sharing your experience, i hope u do get better. Do u know that probenecid can increase the blood levels of other medications, im thinking this could be the reason your vomitting. Maybe look at your other medications and see which ones have side effects of vomitting as i think the probenecid could increase your chances of this by increase the blood levels of the med causing the side effects.

Wow sounds like a journey and a half, hope you rest up well from it.



Senior Member
my head and neck MRI revealed normal MRI(!) but significant degenerative disc disease in my lower neck! my doc said this is not due to the inflammation i have had there for 20 yrs, but i am sure it must have some connection. i have no idea what to make of this. i am only 40 and i am sure i wouldnt normally have this.

could this be causing some of my neuro symptoms???? i will have to ask for a consult with an orthopedic doc, where i am sure my CFS story will not be well-received. UGH


Senior Member
hi heap:) thanks! yes...i started azt again but took only 1/2 dose on the day of the infusion. i am sure i threw up most of my meds anyway.

love u


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
my head and neck MRI revealed normal MRI(!) but significant degenerative disc disease in my lower neck! my doc said this is not due to the inflammation i have had there for 20 yrs, but i am sure it must have some connection. i have no idea what to make of this. i am only 40 and i am sure i wouldnt normally have this.

could this be causing some of my neuro symptoms???? i will have to ask for a consult with an orthopedic doc, where i am sure my CFS story will not be well-received. UGH

Hi Daff,

Haven't been totally following this thread but read the above. This could be from Ehlers-Danlos III which a lot of us have--connective tissue disorder. I have had degenerated cervical disks for many years too. It is typical for EDs. I don't know about the connection with neuro symptoms but there is a brain stem expert here--sorry don't remember the name--and maybe he/she could give some input.



Senior Member
hi sushi. i had never heard of this before. i just looked it up. it seems that this disorder is somehow connected with many cases of lyme, cfs, fibro etc..but does it cause the conditions or is it a consequence of long-term neuroimmune illness?



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
hi sushi. i had never heard of this before. i just looked it up. it seems that this disorder is somehow connected with many cases of lyme, cfs, fibro etc..but does it cause the conditions or is it a consequence of long-term neuroimmune illness?


My take is that it is genetic and probably a predisposing condition for some of us. It can also be related to prolapsed heart and vein valves as they are also connective tissue.

It you want to chat about it, find me!



Senior Member
Phoenix, AZ
my head and neck MRI revealed normal MRI(!) but significant degenerative disc disease in my lower neck! my doc said this is not due to the inflammation i have had there for 20 yrs, but i am sure it must have some connection. i have no idea what to make of this. i am only 40 and i am sure i wouldnt normally have this.

could this be causing some of my neuro symptoms???? i will have to ask for a consult with an orthopedic doc, where i am sure my CFS story will not be well-received. UGH

Hi Sue,
Very sorry to hear about the challenges you had to endure on the day of your infusion. It sounded horrible.

Your MRI results caught my attention. I too was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease at the base of my neck, back in 1987. I was only 23. I also have severe neurological/brain fog symptoms that resemble what you describe. I wonder if there is a correlation to the neck issues.

Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
Best wishes,


Senior Member
Good god, this sounds stressful.
I hope you get to rest between now & the next infusion.
Is vistide efffective v. HHV6? or do you just suspect you are + for CMV?
Take care of yourself Sue.


Senior Member
OK wait a min. i just read online about a woman who had all these fibro symptoms with fog and turns out she had this herniated disc which was compressing the nerves and causing all of her problems. after surgery, she felt fine. WTF..could this be it??? cuz after the xmrv treatment, many people i speak to are getting better, while my neuro symptoms remain horrible.

what if i am doing cidofovir for nothing??


Senior Member
starting to get freaked out. do i hold off on cidofovir until i get a spine surgeon/neuro consult? anyone have any advice?

this is what the MRI says :

"There is reversal of the cervical lordosis. There are multilevel discogenic degenerative changes. Posterior endplate osteophyte seen at C3-C4, C4-C5 and C5-C6. The changes are most pronounced at the C4-C5 level where there is a prominent osteochondral bar protruding into the spinal canal and causing mass effect on the the spinal cord. There is mild spinal stenosis at this level. No focal disc protrusions seen. The spinal cord is normal in caliber and signal. The neural foramina are normal. The foramen magnum is normal."

thanks a lot,


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
starting to get freaked out. do i hold off on cidofovir until i get a spine surgeon/neuro consult? anyone have any advice?

this is what the MRI says :

"There is reversal of the cervical lordosis. There are multilevel discogenic degenerative changes. Posterior endplate osteophyte seen at C3-C4, C4-C5 and C5-C6. The changes are most pronounced at the C4-C5 level where there is a prominent osteochondral bar protruding into the spinal canal and causing mass effect on the the spinal cord. There is mild spinal stenosis at this level. No focal disc protrusions seen. The spinal cord is normal in caliber and signal. The neural foramina are normal. The foramen magnum is normal."

thanks a lot,

keep going with the cidofovir and follow up on the c-spine stuff as you go, no reason why u cant do both and have both bases covered. Try not to freak out, better to be doing something then nothing.



Senior Member
thanks heap. i asked my NYC doc and another doc by email and they both said they don't think the brain fog is caused by that, but they both said i should see a neuro. i could have sworn i read about a woman who had this spinal fusion surgery and her fibro fog was gone. so many stories out there..

i wonder how long i will be fighting this battle. i wonder if, after being sick so long, it will be just one thing after another since so many body systems must be involved by now.
