daffodil I tried florinef for the Orthostatic hypotension and it made my heart race incredibly, could not stand it. some people like it who arent as mcs.
I like this hawthorne paste i get from natural pharmacy local a couple times a day, got idea to try that herb from Cheney.
I was on the pill at age 18 in 78 on and off and I bet the strength of it was not a good thing and it was probly one of my risk factors for cfs which finally hit fullblown after a surgery (gallbladder=g.b.) at age 29, I was in good shape so g.b. didnt get bad from being fat or old, but I heard the pill is a risk factor for g.b. probs but so is underlying CFS according to cheney, lots of cholecystectotomies in Lake Tahoe in 80s w/CFS peeps. I also had regular moon cycle but awful pms in 20s 30s and then abrupt menopause end of it all age 45 and along with it the bulk of my previously good libido

but I have to say one good thing about menopause is less up and down with cfs stuff, at least related to cycle.....used to have like 1-3 days of my period where spine was like a noodle and weak. that is gone but was clockwork before, hated that. I have tried bioidentical (after read suzanne sommers) and can't tolerate but going to try again, in even lower minute dose, especially now that I see Dr Jamie does it and maybe it helps w/treating the virus in weird way as proposed by ozgirl.
I think being on the pill when I was young esp when it was stronger in late 70s and 80s was not good, esp since I didnt have cycle probs etc, it was strictly for fun.......so hormones were a risk factor for cfs back then I bet as was the resulting behavior......sorta like the boys in the band played on back then all around......