Thanks Alesh - I started a thread on anti-depressants and cytokines here
Treating cytokine up/down-regulation
I wonder whether it's worth having a thread discussing what we know about treatments for over and under expressed cytokines, following Sunshine's very helpful post below:
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Type 1 IFN Pathyway Response to Viral Infection in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Mikovits,J. Hagen,K. Peterson,D. Stephens,R. Lombardi,V.
Whittemore Peterson Institute, Reno, NV, USA. Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, National Cancer Institute-Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA.
118 CFS patients
138 Controls
IL-8: 1045
MIP-1a: 763
MIP-1b: 1985
IL-6: 336
TNF-a: 148
IL-1b: 500
IP-10: 98
IFN-a: 35
IL-13: 28
IL-7 160
IL-8: 13
MIP-1a: 91
MIP-1b: 164
IL-6: 29
TNF-a: 13
IL-1b: 56
IP-10: 32
IFN-a: 60
IL-13: 86
IL-7: 60
Guide to Chemokines/Cytokines:
IL-8: RNase L & CMV activated
MIP-1a: Elevated in neurodegenerative disease
MIP-1b: Elevated in neurodegenerative disease
IL-6: Stimulates chronic inflammation
TNF-a: Stimulates chronic inflammation
IL-1b: Stimulates chronic inflammation
IP-10: Interferon response protein
IFN-a:Stimulates macrophages and NK cells to elicit an anti viral response
IL-13: Inhibits inflammatory cytokine production
IL-7: Stimulates proliferation of B & T lymphocytes & NK cells
Summary and conclusions:
Cytokine and Chemokine profiling in combination with machine logic algorythms reveals an inflammatory signature consistent with an over-expression of herpes virus and is useful for diagnosis for CFS
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I think it's worth looking at studies on how depression is treated as this involves cytokine up and down regulation. There are there are quite a lot of studies on Pubmed on how anti-depressants affect cytokines. For example:
This found that sertraline lowered HDRS, and IL-12 and increased IL-4 and TgF-B1.
Others have found that anti-depressants inhibit TNF alpha and IL -1b.
I've been on sertraline for 7 weeks, starting at 12.5 mg and very slowly increasing to 50 mg a day. I've rarely felt at all depressed with this illness - in fact I'm pretty cheerful most of the time despite being bed-ridden for nearly a year with my current relapse, but I do get sudden episodes of a profoundly depressed feeling which last just a couple of minutes, particularly on waking, which are almost intolerable. They appear out of nowhere and disappear as suddenly. These have decreased over the last few weeks. Also I've hardly been able to eat anything for 6 months and lost a stone in weight (5 ft 6 in and only 8 stone) but three weeks ago my appetite returned to normal. I don't feel any better otherwise and am still bedridden, but now I've got this far with virtually no side effects I'm going to slowly increase to 100mg. (I don't actually have much optimism about this, but it's been an easy thing to try!)