Hi thanks for your reply,
Firstly to answer your question, yes I get muscle twitching, have always felt it was because of my inflamed CNS as I get sensory sensations as well, such as tingling, burning and creepy. I tend to get the twitching in my upper thighs. I wouldn't say it's any more annoying than any of my other symptoms, I am just aware of it when I get it.
With regards to the rest of your post, it seems from what you say, that the whole retrovirus thing is still very early days, at the moment? I think I understand it a little more. The only concerns I have is what it could mean to my family, with its possible 'infectious' implications. Could it be possible that we all have this retrovirus, and it just lays dormant, until something triggers it? I understand some viruses do behave that way...
Have non M.E/CFS patients been tested as well? Should I be tested, and if so do they do it in the UK? I did wonder whether or not to do this, because tbh it seems that even if they do find it in my blood, there isn't much at the moment, that can be done about it??
It certainly is quite mind boggling, and I will admit I find it a bit beyond my understanding, some of you guys seems almost like doctors yourselves when you talk about it, so all the 'language' for me is a bit confusing lol.
What i find a little confusing is why some institutions seem so intent on bashing the research, its almost like their trying to hide something, not wishing to appear to be a conspiracy buff or anything (which I'm not) but I often wondered if this whole things was a result of our environment today, and some of us are just so darn sensitive to all of it. I mean if you fill your goldfish bowl with rubbish, your goldfish is gonna get sick, and probably die right?
Hi again, yes i think if the virus is infecting Humans then im afraid it might be likely your partner has it, 50% of family members may infact have it. But i want to counter that rather disturbing news for you by saying me and my partner have been together over 20 years and she has not got ill with this, so dont go thinking just yet that you need to panic. also something i didnt mention was between 4% WPI and 6% NIH study healthy controls were infected, meaning anything between 4 and 6% ( Correct me if im wrong anyone) of healthy
people seem to also be carrying this virus. which at first seems reassuring for those healthy infected individuals.
But as you mention its possible certain triggers could lead to the virus becoming a problem at anytime. i may have carried this virus for about 15 years before i got ill. i belive my triggers may have been long term cannabis use ( it doesnt have to be that ) other triggers might be alcahol over a long period, chemical exposure mold exposure. lots of long term stress probably quite a few more i cant think of. then my second trigger after possibly carrying this virus for possibly years was some kind of virus attack, i had repeated flu like infections with temperatures, then the temperatures went, but the ill flu like attacks did not, and have continued to the present day.
though now i dont get them as much it doesnt last as long, and somewhat less strong than my first 5 years of illness with this. All of this is my guesswork, you need to take some of what i say with a pinch of salt as i could be wrong. Im just telling you what i ( and a few others on here ) are starting to belive
But your right i think about triggers, because if that part was nonsense then i dont think we get those healthy 4% xmrv infected people ?
I get the feeling you have so much to learn about the politics of ME in the uk. For many years Psychiatrists have been trying to tell our govement and GPs that ME/CFS is a psychiatric disorder. not a biological one. As such some prominent health care proffessionals have staked there intire career on these theorys, so of course if a virus is proven to be a cause, then they lose face, they lose there careers most likely.And really should be apolgizing to all of us, for trying to convince the world that this illness is all in our minds. Some psychatrists are even also working for insurance companys, and by keeping the ME illness a all in the mind illness. Insurance companys dont have to pay out as much money as they might have to, if proven to be biological disease. There is also a number of ME goverment documents that have been classified secret for the next 70 years.
It sounds like the xfiles i know. dont take my word for any of this, check up this information yourself. you will know i speak the truth. So there you have it. some in this country want to keep us as psychiatric patients, and they may not be lying when they do there negative studys, only the patients they chose for a xmrv study were ones who were more likely depressed with fatigue. as biological disease markers in some patients were screened out, and those sicker ( physically sicker ) patients were excluded from the study. Check info on professor Simon Wessley. Phew
Hope im helping you get up to speed with this mad world of ME. Its a crime against sick people is what it is. in time when you learn more i think you will agree. I dont know of any reliable testing in the uk google vidpx xmrv testing, thats the one most use. I was tested by the WPI and NCI One last thing its possible ( again there has been conflicting studys on this ) xmrv can cause cancer. sorry to tell you that. but yes its possible i think.