I have to admit to feeling very confused about all this, I cant pretend to understand it, and I have tried but my brain cant take it in. So I hope I dont sound ignorant.
What does testing yourselves for XMRV actually acheive? Especially taking into account the latest media attention.
Is there treatment? Is XMRV the actual cause of M.E/CFS or is it something that is triigered as a result of getting CFS/M.E
I class myself as having neurological M.E as I have inflammatory involvement of my brain, which shows up in lesions, my bloods and my lumbar fluid. I get many of the symptoms you guys have mentioned, to varying degree, depending on many factors, seasonal, environmental, physical activity. I have become very disillusioned with the medical profession as have been shoved from pillar to post (as you can see in my intro thread).
I wouldn't mind been tested in the Uk, dont know if I can be, but I am very confused as to what this would actually achieve for me? I dont mean to sound like a doubting thomas or anything, its just that everytime I have ever had hope, when being tested for something only to be dashed at the last hurdle.
I mean like my lumbar puncture showed inflammatory problems but nothing was done about it, no further testing done. Lesions have been proven by professor scolding to be inflammation caused but again nothing done about it. So I feel like...ok I have this test done, just say I have got it iin my blood, what difference is that actually going to make in the scheme of things. Will it mean a cure? I mean I am all for a cure!! I am sick of being sick positive thought and mood only takes you so far right?
I guess what I am saying I dont want to set myself up for something only to be knocked down again. Although I am very interested in being tested in the UK if I could afford it, as I am on disability, but I really want to know I am doing it for the right reasons. I hope I make some sense??
I hope someone knows what I am trying to get at and can perhaps help me understand this better. Have tried reading posts, but tbh I am a normal person and all that medical jargon jst goes straight over my head!
Sorry for the delay to your questions Silver M i sent a long one but the net ATE IT lol.
Its not easy answering your questions but ill try
Since the WPI did there groundbreaking study finding 68% ( then later somthing like 95% ) of 101 ME /CFS patients, there have been numerouse studys that have failed to find the virus, No one is sure yet exactly why, but certain theorys have been put foward poor pcr only testing ( the WPI Did 4 different tests to find the virus, not just pcr ) the patient selection may have been poor, meaning they have been suffering more from depression and fatigue, rather than CFS/ME chronic illness. geographic clustering of the virus in certain areas was another theory put foward for the negative studys. which i find unlikely as the wpi has found the virus a large percentage of 50 patients tested at Ashford middlesex, the blood was flown to the states for testing, and xmrv was found, even though two uk studys found zilch 0 ?
Contamination is something that some uk experts have been pushing a lot ( the recent papers you mention is a example ) But that is something strongly denied is the cause for the results of the wpi, as far as i can tell ( which dont mean much ) i tend to think there results are not contamination, another study done by the NIH in the states also found a retovirus in 32 out of 38 ( if i remember correctly ) ME/CFS patients the virus they found was a variant somewhat different, but from what i understand of the same family of retroviruses as xmrv, the conclusions from this study, were that yes ME/CFS patients did seem to be infected with a retrovirus, and that although the virus found was a little different, being 95% similar to xmrv suggested this result backed up the conclusions of the wpi group.
Another interesting thing is since then, xmrv has apperently been found in the NIH samples, which if true, suggests this really could be the answer a lot of us patients have been waiting for.
More studys are due soon to try and answer a lot of the questions you ask. Some patients have been taking anti retroviral drugs ( hiv drugs ) such as AZT to see if lowering the virus load improved there symptoms, there have been mixed results from that, so again we are not really sure about anything just yet. but more answers will becoming one way or another.
I personally belive its the cause of a lot, or most of my symptoms for 16 years including the muscle twitching, which as you can see im discussing with sushi, and Mary, trying to understand what xmrv can actually do to people. so question to you Silver M do you get muscle twitch ? i dont meant the occassional flicker in your eye ( everyone gets that occassionaly ) im talking chronic twitching where a whole muscle can be jumping away by itself ? Anyway hope this info helps. sorry it took so long to help clue up a bit about this virus