I think we're going to need a really big push on this, especially when we get to Phase 2 when it will get serious.
Research shows that people do what they see other people doing - if it looks like the expected norm, people fall into line. So I think the more of us who have a Vivint-related signature on our messages, the better - we can establish the norm.
I normally have a signature explaining how people can support ME charities when they're buying on Amazon but when there's something like the Chase or Vivint contest, I copy and paste my normal signature into a Word document (called "Phoenix Rising signature" so I can find it easily) so that I'll be able to easily reinstate it later, and I make a big, colourful sig with eye-catching icons to boost the contest.
I'd really like to encourage others to do this - you just go to Settings (next to the Log In/Out tab), then Edit Signature. You can preview it before you save it (very handy!). There are 500 characters max and three icons max.
The signature immediately updates across every message you've ever written so you get good coverage.
It's loads of fun to create a big splashy one! With balloons!