Andrea Whittemore's call to action


Andrea Whittemore-Goad's call to action

Anne posted this from Andrea W-Gs Facebook page :

weldman/maxine is my current hero as she's trying to send off one letter a week - a very ME/CFS approach to doing things.

Andrea's plea is helping get me going to emulate maxine. I thought it had great ideas for our individual advocacy efforts, and thought it should be posted here as well. (I added spacing and bolds). While it is directed at the US somewhat, the rest of us can translate it to address the appropriate people, departments and agencies in our own countries.

Dr. Mikovits tells me this all the time "let the Science speak for itself". Our Science has spoken now we need people to listen.

Write your story and speak of the Science and Research that must be funded. The WPI needs federal funding to continue crucial research on XMRV and X associated neuro-immune diseases such as ME, Fibromyalgia, Autism, childrens alzheimers , and a typical MS.

Write the President , Vice President , DEpartment of Human and Health Services , NIH, CDC , the senators of your state , congressmen, congresswomen , .

Senator Reid is one of the biggest supporters of ME research . Write and thank him for being our biggest advocate in DC. and tell him you demand a congressional hearing into the CDC's misguided treatments of ME. Demand change .

Demand respect. Use your frustration , anger and sadness for all your losses and put that energy into one letter. put a face with this disease , put a life into your letter. Let them know we aren't going anywhere .

There are 17 million people suffering / surviving and we want to thrive around the World and we aren't getting better from CBT/GET and vacations!!!

We need
real treatments ,
real doctors ,
infectious disease specialists to treat us.
We need centers around the world to specialize in treating the whole disease.

it's not a syndrome , it's not an illness that lasts a while . It's a disease . A disease that some are slowly dying from. And others have died.

But also tell them about your HOPE. Tell them about the faith you have in them to do the right thing .

That's what Democracy is all about . Fighting for the People , speaking for the people . We are the People!!! We can make a difference . We will make a difference !!! All we need is each other

And Aftermath reminds us:
Don't forget to become a fan of the WPI Facebook page. (Look Aftermath - I think I did it!!!)

They are currently at nearly 1,000 fans. Let's push them over the top.

wildaisy kindly provided some links and addresses to write to


Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Thank You!

Anne posted this from Andrea W-Gs Facebook page :

weldman/maxine is my current hero as she's trying to send off one letter a week - a very ME/CFS approach to doing things.

Andrea's plea is helping get me going to emulate maxine. I thought it had great ideas for our individual advocacy efforts, and thought it should be posted here as well. (I added spacing and bolds). While it is directed at the US somewhat, the rest of us can translate it to address the appropriate people, departments and agencies in our own countries.

And Aftermath reminds us:

wildaisy kindly provided some links and addresses to write to


Wow - what an incredible compliment and Birthday Present. This is actually embarrassing. I will continue to hold to my once a week letter regarding CFS, concentrating on the suggested content and where to send them as posted by islandfin.

However, we all know who the real heroes are. They are the scientists who are committed to doing their work in a professional and conscientious manner! Standing there with them are the heroes who have had this illness for years (sometimes decades), and to the newly diagnosed who are struggling to figure out why a load of bricks just fell on them. The heroes are the patients who have been told (sometimes over and over) that they are crazy/lazy/psychotic/etc (fill in the blank) by doctors/family members/spouses/employers (fill in the blank).

Let's hope that there are brighter days for all of us.

