An easy no-cost way to support WPI: IsearchIgive



Kdp suggested using IgiveIsearch to support the WPI on the contribution sticky. You can contribute by using their search engine. WPI gets $.02/search.

There's only $3 there right now :( But, if thirty of us do 10 searches a day, that's $6/day, $180/month, $2,190 a year. It sounds like nickel and dimes but...imagine if we got friends, family, other people with CFS running searches too, even just one a day or five a day. I'm sending an email to everyone in my address book. I do the click to give site every day -- just part of routine and really easy. And, if you can't afford to donate money it's an easy way to contribute.


I'm committing to 10 searches a day. I timed myself and it takes roughly a minute and a half. Anyone want to join me?

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Kdp suggested using IgiveIsearch to support the WPI on the contribution sticky. You can contribute by using their search engine. WPI gets $.02/search.

There's only $3 there right now :( But, if thirty of us do 10 searches a day, that's $6/day, $180/month, $2,190 a year. It sounds like nickel and dimes but...imagine if we got friends, family, other people with CFS running searches too, even just one a day or five a day. I'm sending an email to everyone in my address book. I do the click to give site every day -- just part of routine and really easy. And, if you can't afford to donate money it's an easy way to contribute.


I'm committing to 10 searches a day. I timed myself and it takes roughly a minute and a half. Anyone want to join me?

Hi Robin,

Cool, thanks for posting, I just ran several searches thru it.


I'm part of that $3! Just make sure you are doing real searches, that they seem legit, because they "audit" them. But I'm trying to do 10 a day.


I'm part of that $3! Just make sure you are doing real searches, that they seem legit, because they "audit" them. But I'm trying to do 10 a day.

Awesome! thanks, and thank you weldman!

Here's the audit rules...(thanks for pointing them out, Anne.)

What is a "Qualified Search?" What kinds of search activity are excluded from earning money?

A "Qualified Search" is an honest search made by a real human being using the web or product search features. Robots, hackers, fancy computer scripts, and other fraudulent search attempts don't count. Earnings that result from unqualified or fraudulent search activity will be reversed. Fraudulent searches may result in you or your favorite cause being excluded from

Also, the following types of search activity will not count for a donation:

1) Searching for a URL or website domain. (Examples are search terms that end in .com, .org, .net, .edu, .tv, .ca, etc.)
2) Searching for sites with well-known URLs. (Examples are AOL, CNN, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, MySpace, etc.)
3) Repetitive Searching, defined as performing the same search more frequently than once per 60 minute period. In this case, only your first search for that term will result in a donation.
4) Exceeding 120 searches per hour. We will honor donations for up to 120 qualified searches per user per hour.
5) Searching for an image or video
6) Performing a "Search This Site" search
7) Searching for stock quotes or word definitions
8) Searching without having selected a cause first - we will not credit donations retroactively
9) Dishonest Searching, defined as searching for the sole purpose of increasing the money earned, without really caring about the search results.
10) Searches for Coupons, iGive Stores, and iGive Travel.

It's vitally important that real people, and only real people, use in legitimate and normal ways. Otherwise, advertisers won't support us. Therefore, if we believe that any search activity isn't in this spirit, we'll declare it to be fraudulent and those earnings will be reversed.

Good to know! I'll space out my searches and click through some of them...


Excellent Idea

Excellent idea.

We need some more participation on this one.


Hey, it's up to $5.50! (We can buy Judy Mikovits a coffee at Starbucks!)

You guys did some work! Keep it up every day!

Remember, it's like micro financing, the more people make the effort, even if that effort is very small, the more effective it is.

Excellent idea.

We need some more participation on this one.

Agreed. Perhaps this picture of Simon Wessely will inspire people:


He's saying, "Hey, malingerers! I'll be happy to influence ME policy in the UK for years...unless you support the WPI!"


I did my searches...thank you Robin for posting the rules so we get this right.

No problem! Glad that you're participating! If you do 10 searches, every day, for a whole year, it's the equivalent of a $73 donation. :)

weldman said:
OMG Robin! Why did you send that picture???? Smoke has started coming out of my computer! :)

Hahaha, sorry about that. I'm not above drawing devil horns and a goatee if that would help. ;-)


What's funny is I was just scrolling down and didn't know who that was, and my stomach STILL clenched seeing his face.


Senior Member
Hey, it's up to $5.50! (We can buy Judy Mikovits a coffee at Starbucks!)

You guys did some work! Keep it up every day!

Remember, it's like micro financing, the more people make the effort, even if that effort is very small, the more effective it is.

Agreed. Perhaps this picture of Simon Wessely will inspire people:


He's saying, "Hey, malingerers! I'll be happy to influence ME policy in the UK for years...unless you support the WPI!"

OK that's got me!
(I'm only just starting to get a grasp on what ME people in the UK have had to deal with.)

Thanks to the above poster who clarified the isearch "rules". I've made it my homepage and will see how I go with it :)
Best All.


This is a great idea. Someone should post this on the Facebook group if it hasn't found it's way there already. (would do so myself but don't have an account)

I emailed some of my family and asked them to use it in place of google and yahoo. :)


I hope it's no scam and we reach $25 this month

Igive is legitimate, and it's been around for a long time. I checked out their record with the BBB (they only have three complaints) and some of the review sites which were overwhelmingly positive.

However, it's not nonprofit -- Igive is a business that commissions part of the shopping portal donations, and probably a little chunk of the searches we've been doing.

The $25 minimum donation gets rolled into the fund which is paid quarterly. That last one was October, so, they won't get a check until January. It's at $17 now, I'm sure they'll get a nice little check by that time!

If you shop online you can create an account at Igive and go through their site. A little bit of your shopping money will go to WPI -- Amazon gives .8%, Borders gives 3.2%, gives 1.2%, etc. So that's another easy, free way to fundraise!

Thanks again to everyone for participating! I hope more of you browsing the forum will join us.


Senior Member
Robin in there FAQ it states they pay out every month. Or do those 75 days in arrears mean they pay it out quarterly. I'm sorry my English is not that good ;)

Donation checks are mailed every month, for funds calculated 75 days in arrears. The minimum for check issuance is $25. If your cause has not reached the $25 minimum, their funds will roll over to the following month.


Senior Member
Columbus, OH
A way to get free XMRV testing and Donate!

I just rec'd this in my email box today. This is a link to participate in the WPI XMRV study and a way to donate. If they accept you, you may save some $ in testing or the virus and you have an opportunity to donate.

If this has already been posted, I apologize in advance. I have a habit of doing that here.


Robin in there FAQ it states they pay out every month. Or do those 75 days in arrears mean they pay it out quarterly. I'm sorry my English is not that good ;)

Donation checks are mailed every month, for funds calculated 75 days in arrears. The minimum for check issuance is $25. If your cause has not reached the $25 minimum, their funds will roll over to the following month.

You're right! They do pay out monthly -- after a period of 75 days for verification, with a $25 minimum. So as long as there is a steady stream of income they'll get a check each month. Good catch! I didn't read the FAQ...

It's almost at $50!! That's up from $3 a week ago!! About half of that is from people using the shopping portal at IGive. At that rate they'll net about $200/month if people keep it up. I think there are enough people with CFS with an interest in the WPI's work to do much better! We just have to keep spreading the word.

Fundraising is really expensive for nonprofits. Back when I was healthy and in college I had a little part time secretarial job at a big national nonprofit (which shall remain nameless!) I was shocked at how much staff and time was devoted to fundraising -- three employees for every one that worked on programs and services. At that time telemarketing brought in the most cash.

The great thing about embedded giving is that the charity does not have to spend on dime on the money they're getting.

So everyone who's been doing the searches and using the shopping portal -- great job and keep it up! And tell a friend to do it too! :)


They seem to have taken away some of my searches! I was at, like, $1.84 this morning and now I'm down to $1.68


They seem to have taken away some of my searches! I was at, like, $1.84 this morning and now I'm down to $1.68

I'm down a few too. The only thing I can think is that maybe we did unqualified searches and they reversed the money. I forgot that you can't search for domain names and video content, stuff like that. Maybe they did their audit and some of your searches didn't qualify? That's the only think I can think of!