Alpha Lipoic Acid


Senior Member
jbond wrote:

>You asked if anyone had any thoughts re: I started taking it this week and am getting what I identify to be a huge amount of toxic "dump." Hangover type feelings, fascia pain/tightness (relieved with neural therapy injections), stiffness. Have you had those symptoms before taking it? (at any time). My suggestion would be to stop all supplements and see what happens.

Yep, all those symptoms went away almost immediately after I stopped the ALA. The amount I was taking was really high. It was interesting to find a supplement that had that big of an effect on me.

I'm pursuing this now at a lower dose.

Thanks, Lisa

This is just a guess of course, but I think Cutler would suggest that yes, the doses were too high, but more importantly, that they weren't taken every 3-4 hours (for 3 days, 2 nigihts, and then a 10 day-2 week break). ALA has a very short half life in the body, so it must be taken frequently to keep the mercury (or other heavy metal) moving out of the body.

He also says that about 10% of PWC's have trouble with methylb12.



Senior Member
Another toxic chemical that can pass the blood-brain barrier is FLUORIDE. Just started looking into this, but it's truly frightening, and could possibly be a big part of the puzzle for some of us.

Google 'fluoride' and 'toxic' -- and you'll pull up lots of info. Add in 'fibromyalgia' or even CFS -- or "blood brain barrier" and see what you get...

I'm currently switching to bottled water for 4-5 days...see if I notice a difference, even though it can take months in some cases...



Senior Member
>This is just a guess of course, but I think Cutler would suggest that yes, the doses were too high, but more importantly, that they weren't taken every 3-4 hours (for 3 days, 2 nigihts, and then a 10 day-2 week break). ALA has a very short half life in the body, so it must be taken frequently to keep the mercury (or other heavy metal) moving out of the body.

An interesting thought.

How does this reconcile with the positive effects that some doctors report as a result of using IV ALA in high doses on (for instance) a weekly basis?

A "Moldie" friend of mine gets these from Dr. Berkson (an M.D. who's also a Ph.D. mycologist) in Las Cruces, NM. She says they've been extremely helpful for her, and that many other patients of his report good-to-wonderful results.

Best, Lisa


Senior Member
Hi Lisa...

Just another guess again, but perhaps your friend doesn't have any mercury -- or at least high levels -- in her system?

I've read of many others who take it once a day, or once every few days, without problems -- especially helps with diabetic neuropathy -- but, perhaps some of these people don't have heavy metal issues.

Just. A. Guess. :Retro smile: