May be reposted
From Suzy Chapman for
December 30, 2012
The clock is ticking for DSM-5's Somatic Symptom Disorder
Action required today on time sensitive issue:
The texts for DSM-5 are in the process of being finalized and the SSD Work Group is being asked to review their proposed criteria for SSD. This requires intense public pressure for 11th hour changes and I need your help, today.
If you haven't already done so, please click on the link to my joint commentary with Allen Frances, M.D., on the perils of the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 category "Somatic Symptom Disorder" on his blog at Psychology Today.
For three years, Dr Frances has been at the forefront of public criticism of many of the APA’s controversial proposals for new disorders for DSM-5 and for the lowering of thresholds for existing disorders.
Dr Frances had chaired the Task Force for DSM-IV, was chair of Department of Psychiatry at Duke and is currently professor emeritus, Duke. He is strongly opposing the SSD criteria.
Visiting his blog and leaving a comment on our post (however brief) will help demonstrate to the DSM-5 SSD Work Group and Task Force the level of concern for this new category.
SSD is going to hurt all patient groups, but especially the so-called "Functional somatic syndromes" - IBS + SSD; CFS + SSD; FM + SSD but also MS + SSD; cancer + SSD; coronary disease + SSD; diabetes + SSD...because an additional mental health dx of SSD can be applied to all illnesses and conditions.
In the DSM-5 field trials, 26% of the "functional somatic" study group were coded with SSD; 15% of the "diagnosed illness" group (cancer and coronary disease patients) and 7% of the "healthy" control group met the criteria for an additional diagnosis of SSD.
Professor Simon Wessely, has presented at DSM-5 symposia and Professors Michael Sharpe and Francis Creed are members of the DSM-5 Work Group for "Somatic Symptom Disorders."
What goes through to DSM-5 will likely influence the revision of ICD-10 to ICD-11. Already Prof Francis Creed, who advises the ICD-11 working group for the revision of the "Somatoform Disorders," is pushing "Bodily Distress Disorder" to replace the ICD-10 "Somatoform Disorders." BDD is said to encompass the DSM-5 "Somatic Symptom Disorder" construct.
There isn't very much time left before the DSM-5 texts are finalized for the publishers.
Please visit Dr Frances' post, today, leave a comment and then repost this link on other platforms and forward to all your contacts:
Further blog commentary on the SSD criteria issue and in response to my joint commentary with Dr Frances:
Suzy Chapman