All gone wrong on the anti candida diet - HELP NEEDED.

Hi Justy (and this is for you also Athene),

Sounds so familiar!! About 10 years ago I started an anti-candida diet, I felt a lot better for a bit but then it slowly went downhill after that.

It took me years to figure this out and I had to have very severe symptoms BUT I got so much better when I did. If you haven't considered chemical sensitivity you should. All of my CFS symptoms were coming from an over-reaction to chemicals in foods.

Please visit:

This forum also has a list of low and high salicylate foods. Essentially, the healthier you try to eat, the worse you feel as most fruits and a lot of vegetables are high in salicylates.

Most people who are sensitive to salicylates are also sensitive to other chemicals in foods, phenols, amines, sulfites, etc.

All of my CFS symptoms could be put down to my food/chemical sensitivities. I followed Fredd's vitamin protocol and got feeling a lot better, many many symptoms gone, but some lingered. I had multiple inflammatory conditions that did not resolve, including issues with my digestive tract - gastritis and IBS, interstitial cystitis, an arthritic knee from an injury, eczema, and painful lungs. All of these resolved, as well as my teeth grinding, when I went on a low chemical diet.

I wanted to add, alcohol, caffeine, and tomatoes are some of the worst offenders and I was intolerant to all of them.

Athene, your allergy to tomatoes may be an insensitivity to salicylates as they are very high, especially when cooked and eaten as sauces and pastes.

Hi Justi, I have just read your post, I hope you have hold on the anti-candida diet, it worked very well for me for the first years, but I wen so strict that by then I didn´t eat anything sweet, not even fruit, the results were amazing in everything related to my phisical state, unfortunately the fog problem wasn´t ok, but now I thing I went too far and maybe didn´t put enough atention to my brain`s needs for glucose.
By then I supported my diet with antifungal homeopatic medicine, took a spoon of magnesia milk every day and helped my sleep with over the counter pills: melatonin (3 gms) and an anthistaminic.
I was able to do exercise as I didn´t for the past many years, too many, and by then exercising was the very best time of my day. I have genital herpes and it didn´t bother me at all during that time, and before that it was a major, acute problem for my health.
Taking care of my gut and cándida overgrowth payed all the costs in terms of everything I couldn´t eat, and god I love eating well...
I hope it isn´t too late for your diet that I come posting this. Maybe it´s not a direct answer to your ailments, but I hope you don´t loose faith in the power of nutrition.

I don´t know if you have seen a wonderful documental ¨Food Matters¨, you will see, Dr. Pauli (I guess) allways though that enviroment (our body) was so much important than infections, infections are not important if our body is in good shape, and even though I had a very rough year after getting a stomach infection and getting prescription for pankratic enzimas, I indulged myself on everything I had not daten for the last years. The results have been devastating, my brain could´n manage enough information as for getting out of the vicious cycle, as well as being in a addiction to food relapse.

But since I am starting in a lower state compared to where I was when all this started, I keep thinking there`s a lot we can do to help our body restoring it´s capacity to clean itself, if proper diet and other things are done.

Be extra careful with carbohidrates, and also tell my please how is your sleep situation, maybe there´s something you can do about it to help your body. I am not sure yet about some blanks I have in my actual diet, but I trust that I will have enough time to try and discard somethings yet, and improve my actual condition, being able to worok and exercise, hopefully.

I am sorry if my english is not very good, but I think it´s not worthy going back and correcting my errors since I am sure you can understand me.

Sick on organic chicken and eggs, healhty fish, little red meat, many vegetales, and if necesary, reduce fruits to a mínimum, the only fruit I had during those years and now is lemon. Forget dairy, (maybe only after a lot of time doing gaps diet, I don´t know) in my case brings my defenses down inmediatly (herpes oubreaks), as well as sugars and refined flours, refined everything.

Best of lucks, I hope you feel better.


Senior Member
Myrtle Beach, SC
FWIW, if anyone has never tried Candex before and decides to give it a go, do NOT go on the assumption that you won't have die off symptoms. Maybe the majority of people don't but I sure did, and from what I've read, other people have had die off symptoms from it too. I know they tout the product as being free of Herx symptoms but frankly, I think that is dangerous for them to say so. I tried it for the first time the other day, did as instructions say, and only took 1 cap on an empty stomach. Bad idea. 1 cap was even too much for me. I spent the next 8 hours in misery. Severe bloating with intestinal pains and it looked like I swallowed a basketball. Also had a bout of the sweats..felt like I was going to toss cookies...but just some dry heaves <sorry LOL>. Probably didn't toss cookies cause I had an empty stomach and felt so lousy I couldn't eat anything anyway. I wanted to try it because of all the positive reviews on it. Well it must get at those buggers pretty good because of the reaction I got, and I have tried other remedies in the past before which never did squat for me.

So just a warning for anyone who decides to try it. Don't be foolish and decide to start out with more caps cause you "think" you won't get die off from it. Maybe you won't, but not worth the chance. Just in case you are susceptible to a bad reaction like I got, start off slow..maybe a 1/5 or 1/4 of the cap to see how you react and go from there. I wish I would have done that.



Senior Member
Thanks for the head's up, Rand.
I've had a hard time telling the difference between die-off, and side-effects.
I even appreciate the gruesome details, although, it's unfortunate that you suffered them. Please keep us posted, I would like to recommend Candex to people with candida.
I remember Rich used to suggest it to folks.