Hey all,
I can't believe I'm still typing! Somebody stop me!
You know, if Dr Oz includes a bit about XMRV, it could help to deliniate ME (aka CFS, aka CFIDS) as distinct from CF (no S). Much will depend upon production schedule and ability to get Oz in studio ASAP to do standup. They really should pull it from the sched and rethink. They are missing a great opportunity to make a really good hour of TV.
It's good that WPI knows and contacts the Oz producers. It might help that viewers, even a few, contact them but I agree it's a looong shot unless it can be explained how it is in their interest to pay attention.
This is a new show and no one knows if it's got legs yet. While Oz is very popular on Oprah, none know if people want to watch an hour on health every day.
They will be fine tuning it as they go along. I think there have already been changes... fewer body parts, more pets.
They are not bullet proof yet. They may still be quite responsive. Smart producers would spin this into an exciting episode. Dull producers will churn out a soft hour on the benefits of supplements for the fatigued masses.
I don't know who's on his team. We'll see.
Thing is, if we do nothing... we've done nothing.
Peace out,
Fried Koan
PS IslandFinn ~ you are too kind, but then, it's the way of your people - all of them!
ETA Great letter Finn; do you think they'll figure out we know each other?