Advocacy Brainstorming: The Thread on Threads


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi Neilk, I think the goal should be the opposite of finding the right person to approach. You don't find the right person to approach. I think you approach them all, then repeat. This will take time and probably many more than one person as advocates. Those who respond will then be revealed as potentially the right people to be our spokespersons. Bye, Alex

GcMAF Australia

Senior Member
Hi, this is one reason I started this group. I must admit a bit of bias. But i feel there is a need to consolidate some of the knowledge, so people can read from the start.​
This group should be provided with information and resources here in Australia.

Dr Don Lewis had a wife with CFS. He has since established a clinic in Melbourne with an organised protocol, and has many years experience. They will send you a basic information kit.
He collaborates with Dr Meilier in Europe and is knowledgeable about things such as POTS and heart issues. He wants to collaborate with other doctors.
After doing the basic tests and altering the diet ME/CFS patients significantly improve.
The gut bacteria are adjusted such that there is a reduction in gut and digestion problems.

Recently, he has been using GcMAF and MAF 314

Steve Lockhart has many many years experience with chronic fatigue syndrome. He also treats the diet. Also he balances the body in a way such that digestion improves, the body uses less energy and circulation can improve.
I hope to expand this as i co-ordinate the information