HI Anteah,
A few years ago I built a model based on the best serum info I could find on methylmercury clearance. First, IF, and that is a modestly big if, IF mb12 cuases a methylation of mercury, it is at a very low rate. THink about this a little. It takes 20-30mg of methylmecury to cause noticable symtpoms. To cause that michg mecury to go into serum in the blood would require 100% of 140,000 to 210,000 mcg of mb12 to cause that. It is setimated that we each have 2500-5000 mcg of b12 in the body, total, and only a fraction of it mb12. That would represent a lifetime of b12. Not likely to actually be doing as used. Howevewr, as 80% of mecury symptoms are the same as b12 defciency symptoms, not that sounds likely. 1mg of mercury can completely destroy the body's entire supply of mb12 that with mercury on board can NEVER be restored at natural rates. The serum halflife is 71 days for methylmercury. It is removed by the liver and excreted in the bile. To the extent mb12 actually can form methylmercury it is flused from the body. Now at 5mg injected daily with aqn estimated maximum 1% usage by mercury (99% excretion of mb12 unchanged in 24 hours), that would amount to about 7mcg of mercury a day. Now if you model that it can NEVER build up to even a couple of mg much less the 20-30mg needed to be noticing symptoms. Becasue of the slow speed, it can take years for MeCbl to clear the mercury out. Immobilizing with selnium works well. If all those theories actually worked the number of people with these problems would not be on a rapid uprise. You see almost nobody gets better and most don't know why if they do.
People who are treated by those tests and others don't get well. It does not improve the strategy of what to do. "Improving" these rtest scores don't produce healing. Taking the Deadlock Quartet, AdoCbl, MeCbl, L-carnitine fumarate and l-methylfolate along with all needed support items, including selenium which immobilizes mercury has a much higher probability. However, getting all the induced deficiencies taken care of and balannced out is the very tricky part., becasue as you found, startup responses are all over the place.
For me it turns out that I had or experienced induced deficiency or insufficiency in MeCbl, AdoCbl, l-methylfolate, potassium, SAM-e, zinc, TMG, Boron, l-carnitine fumarate, each of which it turns out have symptoms, with many of the startup symptoms being the newly worsened induced deficincy symptoms. Others included magnesium, calcium, Vit D, di-ribose, b1, b2, pathethine, p5p and no doubt some others. It's very complcated. Almost every incident called "deotx" is induced methylfolate deficiency and/or potassium deficiency or other induced deficiencies. The remaining x (small) percent are still unknown as to what is going on.
Getting methylation going, only ONE function of the many of b12, and methylfolate, happen 3 days before the need for potassium and increased l-methylfolate. As it can take ALL 4 of the Deadlock Quartet to work fully becasue they are all mutually interdependent, it can increase in stages or not start at all until the last needed thing is in place. Additional SAM-e can often help as can D-ribose. Good luck. I'm preparing something on all the "shoes" worn by adenosylcobalamin IAdoCbl) and MeCbl (methylcobalamin).
A metallic taste is common in those with paradoxical folate deficiency until all folate insufficiency symtpoms are elliminated by titrating the dose.