Actual Improvement in PEM with Probiotics - My N=1 Experience


Senior Member
Not really a probiotic, I think, but I recently retested psyllium and found that it didn't trigger my 'fibre intake' symptoms, plus it seems to have improved my energy and overall wellness a bit. I felt more cheerful, and went for longer walks than before retesting it. I'm not even sure that I gave it a proper test before removing it from my diet; I may have just stopped it while testing new ones, and just assumed it was troublesome.

Since psyllium is non-fermentable, that seems to clinch my theory that the problem is a fibre metabolite. I'll try to buy some butyrate, or second-choice, butter next trip into town.

So, even if it's not from a probiotic, changing the gut function can improve wellness.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
changing the gut function can improve wellness.

Agree. But it seems that as my gut is doing better, some other things are giving me more trouble (neurological), different trouble or just Trouble.

I" ve been handling more fiber better lately. I even swallowed some of the pomegranate seeds (a little nervous about that so mostly I just swallow the juice and spit out the chewed up seeds).

I even ate toast and didn't get punished!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Report on Continued use of Mood Probiotics. (I take one about every three days)
(I also take some traditional chinese digestive herbs, often just after dinner (instead of after every meal)

So this result is from BOTH those things combined-

1) I seem to consistently need less sleep (about two hours less). (before I"d sleep ten hours unrefreshingly and think about sleeping longer) (thats the probiotic)

2) my husband noticed this (unbiased observer)

3)not collapsing in the afternoon regularly, either (seem to need to lie down, less) (crashed all last week, yet I never really had to fully pass out)

4) less overall bloating, drama and improved bowel movements.

5) fewer digestive bad days. Recent triggers seem to be glutamate. Seems like I need to really watch that.

I've not noticed this happening before when I took probiotics.