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Action through Internet Marketing Techniques!


Senior Member
How do we use this wonderful tool, the internet, to further our collective interests?

How do we use basic internet marketing tools to further our aims?

How do we collectively use keywords and other strategies to move our message to the fore on Google and other search engines? And, how do we counter messages posed by adversaries using these tools?

I don't know the answers to these questions but I feel sure a concerted, organized effort on our part to co-opt the tools of big business would be sweet and effective.

Does anyone know how to do this?!


I can help... remind me later... but gotta go to bed right now...

My first and strongest piece of advice in the meantime would be... KEEP POSTING. And keep posting WELL. Write intelligently and with passion about all the ME-related keywords that you can think of, here on this very forum. The importance of that cannot be overstated.

Rachel xx

PS: Koan may I just say this is an AWESOME idea for a thread. I salute you. It's something I should have thought of some time ago. D'oh.


Senior Member
Don't know too much about it. But my lay knowledge (picked up years ago) suggests linking is important - if you want to highlight a site, link to it and look for other sites to link to you.


Senior Member
Thanks so much, you guys, for some good first steps. I, for one, will need very specific instructions/directions because even though I am aware of this I just assume I will not be able to understand how to work it.

So, thanks!!!

And, let's do it!


Back and feeling very awake now and excited about this project. I have a plan, but need to take it to the other moderators and admins.
Be right back...

Rachel xx


Sorry to keep you all in suspenders.
Friend had an emergency tonight so I had to provide a place to stay for her and her sister.
So the unfolding of my devious plan will have to wait just a little bit longer.
But suffice it to say that I will need either a private group set up on here or a private forum section to discuss it.
Please can you hang on till then?

Rachel xx


Phoenix Rising Founder
We've found out that its very important to Google to place descriptive keywords in the titles of posts - it makes a huge difference. So putting XMRV in the title of a post is good. If its on the CDC putting the CDC in there, etc. We had a huge thread going with the last imperial college study that got on play on Google until we changed the title - then it sprang right up there.


Senior Member
I know, Cort. It was you telling us about that that got the wheels turning in my head. Not to mention we're on your site! Will begin to use titles!

Let's work it!

Happy to wait for your guidance! Also really need guidance!

Looking forward to much stealth posting!


Watchoo lookin' at?

Uh, this might seem a bit weird, but just on the off chance you can use it.

Marketing experts, PR folks, spin doctors use a lot of shifty, subversive techniques with word and image placement etc. that can really affect the way the 'target' reacts to a message. I really can't explain it very well but there is a guy who has a show on BBC (all the brits probably know him) where he exposes these things and shows how it's done. This video is both informative and mindblowing


If you had someone join you who knows some of these techniques it could prove useful.


Senior Member

Uh, this might seem a bit weird, but just on the off chance you can use it.

Marketing experts, PR folks, spin doctors use a lot of shifty, subversive techniques with word and image placement etc. that can really affect the way the 'target' reacts to a message. I really can't explain it very well but there is a guy who has a show on BBC (all the brits probably know him) where he exposes these things and shows how it's done. This video is both informative and mindblowing


If you had someone join you who knows some of these techniques it could prove useful.
I get a message: "This video contains content from Channel 4, who has decided to block it in your country." - was it Derren Brown?


Watchoo lookin' at?
Yeah, it's Derren Brown. Are you in the UK? I can watch it here in Canada.

This one is really good because he goes through and explains how he does it. He convinces a guy that he wants a BMX bike for his birthday, when in reality the guy had no desire for it.
I could try to capture the video for you, but I don't know how I could get it to you.


Senior Member
Yeah, it's Derren Brown. Are you in the UK? I can watch it here in Canada.

This one is really good because he goes through and explains how he does it. He convinces a guy that he wants a BMX bike for his birthday, when in reality the guy had no desire for it.
I could try to capture the video for you, but I don't know how I could get it to you.
I'm in (the Republic of) Ireland which is not part of the United Kingdom (UK) (if one looks closely at the titles of the words, there is a clue there i.e. a Republic won’t be part of a kingdom).

Thanks for that.
I googled: "derren brown" bmx and found a clip.

Of course, we are sort of “fighting” psychologists and others some of whom may know some of these tricks or other psychological techniques e.g. to create rapport.


Senior Member
Should we be considering how to use Global buzz?


An assessment at:

"People will build services on top of analyzing your public Buzz activity. They will build new applications for publishing to Buzz, just like the Twitter ecosystem has today. Planned support for things like the Salmon commenting standard mean that comments left on Buzz could appear out on blog posts around the web, and comments on blog posts could be viewed inside of Buzz when the post links are shared.
The use of full email addresses in @ public replies demonstrated today seems to indicate that it will be a cross-platform messaging service. Facebook users can only message other Facebook users but Buzz users may be able to reply to people using email IDs from other networks. That's hot stuff."


Senior Member

I just watched that video! Holy cow! That was amazing!

(I have to close my mouth!:eek: )

I don't know how we could exploit that -- seems like you'd have to be pretty skilled -- but, I agree, maybe there are techniques we should know about that we could use in our writing and presentations.

Very interesting!

And, amazing!

holy cow!


Watchoo lookin' at?
I know eh? It's worth watching even if you don't end up using it. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who have advertising experience know some of these techniques. A lot of them use NLP stuff, which is related.

I just had a thought. I'm gonna see if I can contact him somehow and see if I can tug on his heartstrings and get some pointers from him. I dunno, worth a shot.


Senior Member
I know eh? It's worth watching even if you don't end up using it. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who have advertising experience know some of these techniques. A lot of them use NLP stuff, which is related.

I just had a thought. I'm gonna see if I can contact him somehow and see if I can tug on his heartstrings and get some pointers from him. I dunno, worth a shot.

For sure!

The shrinks use NLP stuff, too, of course. Even if we don't manage to use it, we should absolutely understand how they are using it to shape opinion and compliance.
