My child is imprisoned in the basement of that razed house, suffering, frightened, with no life, and no way out. We, his loved ones know he's there, but we have little power to help him out. The NIH, congress, and donors hold that power. I say use that power, free him from his torture, let him go to school, have a social life, build a useful, meaningful, tax paying life. He is an American human being after all.
Dr. Collins, congress, LET MY SON OUT! Stop pretending he is not there and fund ME/CFS research commensurate with the disease burden.
If you've ever wanted to do something that matters in this world, this matters. You can make a difference, even if you're not Dr. Collins or a member of congress. The Open Medicine Foundation has a team of brilliant researchers ready to get to work on ME/CFS, all they need is funding. Here's your opportunity to help: .
Signing the petition for funding parity would also be helpful: .
They are still there, locked in that basement, until you let them out.